SBS Korea Takedown October 1, 2005

SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Wait if you want HD from D*. The $200 rebate for HD receivers start on Nov. 25. Plus, wait for the MPEG4 HD boxes as you'll see VERY FEW, if any new HD channels come out in the current MPEG2 standard.

With regards to KBS, I doubt D* will get it anytime soon. DISH and KBS are pretty tightly knit now and I have yet to see cable carry KBS as a basic channel for free. But if KBS is headed that way, then you should expect KBS on D* as well as cable.

With regards to HD internationals, that'd be very tough in the short term. The reason is that the international programming market is a niche market in itself and very few would pay a premium to watch the HD versions of the channel. And I'm talking maybe double what they're paying now. As you may know or not, internationals on DISH are very compressed and therefore not much space is given to each channel. If they bring an HD international channel, they'd have to get rid of the existing international channels or put the HD international channel on a separate bird. Very unlikely in the near future. It's not like all the international broadcasters are already broadcasting in HD anyway. So like the DVR issue at those smaller companies offering Korean programming, you'll run into an HD issue with E* and D*. Heck, they don't even have all the American programming in HD yet (ESPN2 HD missing on E* and TNT HD missing on D*, for example) so you'd be hard pressed to see internationals on HD anytime soon.

I'd pay a mint for TV Tokyo HD($30 a month) but unfortunately no one in the U.S., Cable or otherwise seems to carry TV Tokyo period. I think maybe C-Band is the only one who offers it. Honestly I don't understand. The lack of this channel on any broadcast system except the one listed above literally flabbergasts me.
This is a channel I could see garnering a LOT more demand than TV Japan.
Summit does M-Net offer any good live show like "Music Camp" where Gasoo's are expected to actually sing and NOT lipsync?
I have no idea on I've heard that it's mostly music videos, so I don't know if it has any live performances.

TV Tokyo in HD would probably cost $60 or more if DISH were to bring it. But it's true that TV Japan isn't as entertaining as far as Japanese programming goes.
SBS is the bad apple in the US market!

I have been hit by this "SBS drama" form the beginning.

Like everyone of you, I experienced angry and disappointment. What my hard earned money have purchased for is such poor services before and afterward (SBS & Dishnetwork).

I enjoyed so much to read all these posts, thank you all for sharing your thoughts and information. But after a month that SBS has gone, people are start talking about to get some more expensive dish and receivers like we are all careless millionaires, or get ready still side-minded to follow this "SBS" to jump ships.

I say, WAKE-UP!

Is there anyone can tell me, where is the guarantee or commitment you got that SBS will not drop off air form DirectTV in the next few months again once we all jumped over?!

It comes back to the first question, the not answered question: Where is the protection for consumers?

What SBS and Dishnetwork have done may perfectly legal on paper, but not in my heart. The law in America is to protect the public but not the treatment. SBS may had done this the same way in Korea or somewhere else, but not here in America! I am the one who still believe that America IS the last of the front line! That makes America the different out of the rest world and that different makes me living in this country. This "SBS Drama" may only affected a SMALL Korean viewers group, but the way how SBS handled their contract and the way SBS treaded their consumers have set a terrible example in America -- SBS is the bad apple!

Sorry for being so straight, but just no one ever treat me as a customer this way before! Dishnetwork is only a carrier, but the first day of Oct. I called them -- The First Day! They refund my whole month Korean Package Fee for $29.99. Only this $29.99 brought me still a customer today, because I can feel it from Dishnework. I have not seen the $10 credit on my monthly bill yet, but in my heart even I did, SBS was probably only worth that much.

The bottom line is, I will NOT following SBS to jump ship. SBS has lost the creditability to treat the viewers in this country, in my family and in my heart. To waste my money and time to switch Dish? I am sure I can find something better.

P. S. While SBS has gone for the whole month, I have enough time to watch KBS everyday. Please note, I did not want to make this comparison, but if SBS makes me have to? Here is my choice: I found the whole programs on KBS are been set up pretty thoughtful, from the meanings of dramas, types of the shows and the timing of the daily news... it pretty much completes the big picture of a nation's culture and views of the value in their life. No matter you speak Korean or not, if anyone in the world watchs KBS, they will know we are the same everyday people as they are.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
I have no idea on I've heard that it's mostly music videos, so I don't know if it has any live performances.

TV Tokyo in HD would probably cost $60 or more if DISH were to bring it. But it's true that TV Japan isn't as entertaining as far as Japanese programming goes.

I can't help but feel bummed here on the idea of price. Personally I think enough Anime geeks as well as Japanese would be attracted to TV Tokyo HD to lower the cost. If VOOM was smart they'd iron out a contract with TV Tokyo to make a must have HD channel after the stuff like FX HD and MHD come out, insurance you know? I mean VOOM is already working with Fangoria from what I heard at THC so they are looking for name properties as well as trying to have their own channels. If you ask me TV Tokyo VOOM would be a lot more valuable than any Anime Network crap around.
As for the lastest comment you obviously had a good experience with Dish but not everyone else has. However I understand your frustration about the idea of going out and buying equipment. In the last few weeks I've picked up a new Dish 1000, soon to pick up a Dish 500 with an I-bracket and LNB(unfortunately can't pick these up for the reasonable rate I got the Dish 1000 for on eBay), DPP44 switch, Dish 322 and hopefully soon I will bag a Dish 811 for $200 plus shipping. I'm thinking fat chance on this last one though. :-(
On the issue of KBS World I've heard complaints from people or at least one person in this thread that they carry the SAME or some of the same Drama's Arirang gets except later. I don't understand why they wouldn't make Arirang carry those later considering some Drama's they produce themselves. As it stands I see people mad because they're getting Drama's later on Arirang or very late on KBS World or not at all on both while they're getting them on SBS or MBC then onto the issue of WOW and JSTV. Most Korean Americans here have expressed their apathy towards Christian programming though it seems like there's a dedicated Korean American, Korean audience or BOTH that buy Christian albums by Koreans so there may be some people out here to watch this though I could personally care less unless Cho-PD was on it. WOW or whichever the Buddhism one I might check out out of curiousity but that's about it. M-Net, KBS and Arirang are the ONLY one's I'd watch for the most part and they're low tier and like Summit says M-Net may have NO live concert performance sh*t by Gasoo's which greatly pisses me off. I want at least one Korean channel that'll give me LIvE, non lip-synced performances by Gasoo's.
Honestly I think the only half good decision by Dish for my viewing preference at least came from them getting M-Net. They're better get a year or two exclusivity contract from them too.
MBC package price

I got a word from my dealer.

SBS/MBC/YTN package will be priced at $24.99.

I know and I feel the same way for SBS (lots of Korean companies still do their business that way).

This time, I will follow SBS since moving to DirecTV is free for now.
tru64ufs said:
I got a word from my dealer.

SBS/MBC/YTN package will be priced at $24.99.

I know and I feel the same way for SBS (lots of Korean companies still do their business that way).

This time, I will follow SBS since moving to DirecTV is free for now.

I hope this teaches Dish a lesson when the subs start to go down and they offer a more generous deal to MBC as well as charging a lower price for the Korean channels. Also hopefully there will be a tier coming soon from Dish where I can get M-Net, Arirang, KBS World and OCN without the religious junk channels. I hope OCN decides to include a CC feed, think English subs.
Korean channels

If Dish Network thinks this programming is new and exciting as they advertise then why don't they just drop HBO, MAX, showtime and all the other premium channels and just go to an all Dish Network religious and news satellite service. Do you think they would continue in business? They would be out of business in a week. So why are they asking us to pay $36.99 for this junk? I e-mailed them twice and still have not heard a thing about what they plan to do. When my bill comes soon I plan to tell them -KEEP YOUR KVP. If things don't improve by the new year then I will tell them to KEEP YOUR DISH.
tru64ufs said:
I got a word from my dealer.

SBS/MBC/YTN package will be priced at $24.99.

I know and I feel the same way for SBS (lots of Korean companies still do their business that way).

This time, I will follow SBS since moving to DirecTV is free for now.

Can you tell me who they are and their phone #? I'd like to know who their D* rep is because our rep. doesn't know. And that'd be a shame since that price is very competitive even with the smaller FTA outfits out there. Thanks.

tru64ufs said:
Finally I got a word from my dealer.

DirecTV will get MBC soon. They are in testing now.
Also DirecTV is talking to KBS.

SBS+YTN on DirecTV is $14.99 and MBC is unkown at this point.

Now let's wait until we have $200 rebate from DirecTV. Could be happening
in the middle of November.

It could be better if Picture Quality on DirecTV is better than on par with that of Dish. But I heard that PQ on DirecTV is worse.
KBS/SBS PQ on Dish network already pretty bad on my Plasma.

Well we'll get SBS and MBC anyways.
Can't have them all.

Our KBS sources say that KBS WILL NOT BE coming to DirecTV anytime soon. So, don't hold out hopes for KBS coming along with SBS, MBC, and YTN that's going to be on DirecTV.

That's all the update fit to print so far. Look for new DISH Korean channels to be uplinked in the next few weeks. I don't foresee newer channels than what's already mentioned but perhaps we can enjoy additional channels at the same package prices.

Hi, it is a local Korean Dish/Directv dealer (they are Koreans).
Don't know if they speak English.

Please send me a private msg so that I can post phone no.
The number is at home.

SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Can you tell me who they are and their phone #? I'd like to know who their D* rep is because our rep. doesn't know. And that'd be a shame since that price is very competitive even with the smaller FTA outfits out there. Thanks.

Our KBS sources say that KBS WILL NOT BE coming to DirecTV anytime soon. So, don't hold out hopes for KBS coming along with SBS, MBC, and YTN that's going to be on DirecTV.

That's all the update fit to print so far. Look for new DISH Korean channels to be uplinked in the next few weeks. I don't foresee newer channels than what's already mentioned but perhaps we can enjoy additional channels at the same package prices.
My favorite show on KBS World is "Screening Humanity"
Used to be on 7:30 PM EST, but after day savings time change, now it's on 8:30 PM EST.
tru64ufs said:
I got a word from my dealer.

SBS/MBC/YTN package will be priced at $24.99.

I know and I feel the same way for SBS (lots of Korean companies still do their business that way).

This time, I will follow SBS since moving to DirecTV is free for now.

This is great news. As soon as the new incentive ($200 starting later this month) starts, I will look into signing up with DirecTV. I absolutely see no reason to stay with Dish any longer.

Does anyone know when D* MPEG4 is coming to LA area? If within couple of month, then I should wait - if not, I am signing up. Decisions decisions... anyone? :confused:
LA HD LIL market should launch sometime between Nov. 25 and mid Dec. Nov. 25 is the target date but they're having supply issues. MBC deal and pricing has not been released by my contacts at D* so that pricing is news to me.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
LA HD LIL market should launch sometime between Nov. 25 and mid Dec. Nov. 25 is the target date but they're having supply issues. MBC deal and pricing has not been released by my contacts at D* so that pricing is news to me.

Thanks. Perfect timing - I can potentially switch to D*, get $200 extra incentives and MPEG4 - Xmas present indeed. :)
Kinda Related KBS Live soccer Alert

KBS will show a LIVE exhibition/friendly soccer/football game/match between Korea and Serbia/Montenegro (I think) tomorrow at 6am EST. If they had shown more live qualifiers and K-league I'd be less hostile now about my overpriced Korean package
Received a letter from Kelly Broadcasting System, Inc.

Says will receive $10 credit for inconvient

KVP: KBS World, JSTV, WOW-TV, Arirang $36.99
KVP: KBS World, JSTV, WOW-TV $29.90

I'm like everyone else, I don't want JSTV or WOW. Can I get just KBS alone for a cheaper price without going to another dish? I would be will to pay up to $15 a month just for KBS but sure don't like having it in a package with JSTV and WOW for $29.95 - that's a total rip-off. I already have about 4 religious channels now, how many more are they going to put on. All they ask for is money anyway! They know that if JSTV and WOW was a stand alone channel - no one would buy it! That's why they try to sell you one good channel and put the others in as a package and charge you more - THEY KNOW you don't want the other channels other than KBS. Do they think us subscribers are STUPID?
KBS will show a LIVE exhibition/friendly soccer/football game/match between Korea and Serbia/Montenegro (I think) tomorrow at 6am EST. If they had shown more live qualifiers and K-league I'd be less hostile now about my overpriced Korean package

Haha, a lot of "/" used there, eh? Didn't they play Sweden on Saturday? I saw the ad being broadcast on SBS every couple of hours on our D* receivers.
pearl15_1999 said:
I'm like everyone else, I don't want JSTV or WOW. Can I get just KBS alone for a cheaper price without going to another dish? I would be will to pay up to $15 a month just for KBS but sure don't like having it in a package with JSTV and WOW for $29.95 - that's a total rip-off. I already have about 4 religious channels now, how many more are they going to put on. All they ask for is money anyway! They know that if JSTV and WOW was a stand alone channel - no one would buy it! That's why they try to sell you one good channel and put the others in as a package and charge you more - THEY KNOW you don't want the other channels other than KBS. Do they think us subscribers are STUPID?

Do get a SuperDISH121 upgrade if you can and watch KBS World for free with a AT60 or higher subscription. ;)

Sorry for the late news guys but there will be another $10 monthly credit on or around Nov. 18th for those who subscribe to Korean Basic Pack or Korean Variety Pack. I know there's been a large drop in these packages either due to cancellations, migration to D*/FTA services, or just watching KBS World for free with AT60 or higher, but for those that still watch for the other channels, there'll be a $10 credit headed your way.

This week will be a big clue on whether we'll see more Korean channels in 2 weeks time frame. Whenever a channel is uplinked, it usually takes about 2 weeks for it to be available to subscribers. During that time, they do signal integrity and quality testing.

No news regarding MBC on D*. They're being more quiet now than before so maybe they're noticing the leaks. I don't know. Whatever it is, I hope that these channels will go live before Thanksgiving when many familes gather around the TV and get some good word-of-mouth advertising.
pearl15_1999 said:
I'm like everyone else, I don't want JSTV or WOW. Can I get just KBS alone for a cheaper price without going to another dish? I would be will to pay up to $15 a month just for KBS but sure don't like having it in a package with JSTV and WOW for $29.95 - that's a total rip-off. I already have about 4 religious channels now, how many more are they going to put on. All they ask for is money anyway! They know that if JSTV and WOW was a stand alone channel - no one would buy it! That's why they try to sell you one good channel and put the others in as a package and charge you more - THEY KNOW you don't want the other channels other than KBS. Do they think us subscribers are STUPID?

Agreed. I could really care less about these religious junk channels. Here's an idea, dump the religious channels and replace them with KBS-HD in addition to KBS World.

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