gredneck said:a buddy of mine who sells d* said that d* is going to sell direct or through big chains and shut out the small guys. possibly by june.
That might explain why our commissions just dropped again.

gredneck said:a buddy of mine who sells d* said that d* is going to sell direct or through big chains and shut out the small guys. possibly by june.
John Kotches said:hancox,
I'm curious why it's so hard to comprehend that the the vast majority of HD customers already have the dish at one (or both) of the wings.
I suspect that < 2% of the HD population on E* is missing a dish pointed to one of the wings.
Does anyone have some hard numbers?
DVDDAD said:I've got a great idea for a new PC game that you guys would eat up. It called "Satellite Tycoon"! But you need to be careful, when you play against Charlie. You'll neeed to be able to read his "Poker Face" to win!