SatelliteGuys Review: Logitech Revue with GoogleTV – A Diamond in the Rough

Well here was my results I was watching a movie on my 722 that had 5.1 DD.
Revue on 3.1 Userdebug

Optical directly out of 722 - DD shows on receiver - all speakers have sound
HDMI out of revue - PCM on receiver - only L/R speakers have sound
Optical out of Revue (Dolby Digital setting) - DD on reciever - only L/R had sound - choppy sound also
Optical out of Revue (PCM setting) - Stereo (PCM maybe?) on receiver - all speakers had sound due to Pro Logic being applied.

Are you noticing any delay/sync issues using this option??
This box is more worthless now then it was before the honeycomb upgrade. GRR!
My Revue can't search my DirecTV recordings and it can't set a recording for me, but I don't blame the Revue. That's squarely on D* and what they allow to control their DVR and what they don't.

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I moved my Revue off of my 922 (which it does not work yet with intergration) to my 722K.

I have found one very annoying thing about this firmware update that makes me HATE this box more then even. I tried to pair it will my 722k so I could use the keyboard as a remote control. It found my 722k instantly and then popped up a message on my 722k with a phone number to call DISH and activate the GoogleTV intergration. I dont want the intergration, I just want to use the keyboard as a remote control. Now in the new firmware you can not complete the pairing to a supported DISH Network receiver until you call and activate the $4 a month add on service... a sevice I consider a sham.

This box is more worthless now then it was before the honeycomb upgrade. GRR!

So is there anyway to AVOID the software update on the Revue unit? IF so I will definitely turn the updates off and avoid the $4.00 charge.
My Revue can't search my DirecTV recordings and it can't set a recording for me, but I don't blame the Revue. That's squarely on D* and what they allow to control their DVR and what they don't.
Mine can if I pay the $4 a month fee, but I dont want to pay that fee. If I want to see my recordings on my DVR I will grab my DISH Network remote and do it for free.
So is there anyway to AVOID the software update on the Revue unit? IF so I will definitely turn the updates off and avoid the $4.00 charge.
I dont know if you will have an issue if your already paired to your DVR, however if your going to add a new Revue or change receivers then its going to try forcing you to signing up for the $4 a month service. :(
I guess if they do cause a problem with my 722k , then I could just run the revue unit to the other hdmi input and use it separately from my receiver. Makes the purchase completely worthless if that is the case. Especially if I go to Blockbuster plan for DISH and my free Hbo cancels itself on 10/16. I won't be using the revue unit much at all. I was hoping that the revue would work with Blockbuster streaming ,but at the press conference , the guy from India said no plans at this time. I could of sworn that I've talked to him as a csr in the past when I called DISH.
Its True DD 5.1 No doubt about it
and, since when is using a digital audio cable "bazillion year old technology"?
Sure, in a perfect world, a single hdmi cable would be easier, but, things aren't always perfect when it comes to new technology, like Google TV
OK...million-year-old technology.
And, only needing HDMI for both audio and video shouldn't take a perfect world, only a proper one, where the most basic functionality of a products works ootb. You must be a long-timre Dish customer to be expecting stuff not to work until the 2nd or 3rd year after release.
As far as dealing with pulling stuff out of your Entertainment center, I always make sure that I don't "button things up" until I am 100% certain everything works perfectly,. so for me, it was no big deal accessing my stuff.
Sorry if its a pain for you...
A. It's not buttoned down. It's just a PITA to pull out.
B. It was working 100% perfectly...until I added the Revue. (IIRC, I don't think the Sony GTV I had previously had the audio issue. But, it may havem as I was running that one standalone, as well. I must have had a good reason for that.)
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I moved my Revue off of my 922 (which it does not work yet with intergration) to my 722K.

I have found one very annoying thing about this firmware update that makes me HATE this box more then even. I tried to pair it will my 722k so I could use the keyboard as a remote control. It found my 722k instantly and then popped up a message on my 722k with a phone number to call DISH and activate the GoogleTV intergration. I dont want the intergration, I just want to use the keyboard as a remote control. Now in the new firmware you can not complete the pairing to a supported DISH Network receiver until you call and activate the $4 a month add on service... a sevice I consider a sham.

This box is more worthless now then it was before the honeycomb upgrade. GRR!
ty scott for your help and reply :)
I moved my Revue off of my 922 (which it does not work yet with intergration) to my 722K.

I have found one very annoying thing about this firmware update that makes me HATE this box more then even. I tried to pair it will my 722k so I could use the keyboard as a remote control. It found my 722k instantly and then popped up a message on my 722k with a phone number to call DISH and activate the GoogleTV intergration. I dont want the intergration, I just want to use the keyboard as a remote control. Now in the new firmware you can not complete the pairing to a supported DISH Network receiver until you call and activate the $4 a month add on service... a sevice I consider a sham.

This box is more worthless now then it was before the honeycomb upgrade. GRR!
Are you sure you can't just "manually add device"? You should be able to add it without integration that way. GTV 2.1 also appeared to do what you are saying, which I had forgotten about until I needed to reset it.

Or, you can do as I do, and use the GTV as a standalone device. There's really no good reason for running one's TV source signal thru the GTV. (especially the way it destroys the source audio.)
Its True DD 5.1 No doubt about it
See below:

Well here was my results I was watching a movie on my 722 that had 5.1 DD.
Revue on 3.1 Userdebug

Optical directly out of 722 - DD shows on receiver - all speakers have sound
HDMI out of revue - PCM on receiver - only L/R speakers have sound
Optical out of Revue (Dolby Digital setting) - DD on reciever - only L/R had sound - choppy sound also
Optical out of Revue (PCM setting) - Stereo (PCM maybe?) on receiver - all speakers had sound due to Pro Logic being applied.

That certainly doesn't sound like true DD5.1 on any of the Revue outputs, optical or otherwise.
Another issue I am having with the new software is the volume level is very low...

Since getting the update we have to turn our volume on the TV up to 50 when before at the same level it was 25.

I took the revue box out of the line and hooked the 722k up direct to the TV and the volume went back up to normal levels.
... I could just run the revue unit to the other hdmi input and use it separately from my receiver. Makes the purchase completely worthless if that is the case.
Why? I've been running my Revue standalone, and the Sony before that as standalone. It's a pretty good Internet media device. (great with 3.1, or so I hear.)

I'm sure there will be a Blockbuster streaming app at some point. Dish/BB would be idiots not to have one for all IP platforms. Then again, Dish/Sling still doesn't have a player for Roku, Honeycomb, Chrome, SmarTV, etc, blew the SlingCatcher, and is blowing the Extender. So, Dish/BB might screw the pooch on this one as well.
Another issue I am having with the new software is the volume level is very low...

Since getting the update we have to turn our volume on the TV up to 50 when before at the same level it was 25.

I took the revue box out of the line and hooked the 722k up direct to the TV and the volume went back up to normal levels.

Is the volume level of the Revue itself maxed out? It's in settings somewhere (or, if you don't configure a TV).
Why? I've been running my Revue standalone, and the Sony before that as standalone. It's a pretty good Internet media device. (great with 3.1, or so I hear.)

I'm sure there will be a Blockbuster streaming app at some point. Dish/BB would be idiots not to have one for all IP platforms. Then again, Dish/Sling still doesn't have a player for Roku, Honeycomb, Chrome, SmarTV, etc, blew the SlingCatcher, and is blowing the Extender. So, Dish/BB might screw the pooch on this one as well.

I mostly use it for Hbo go ( which will end on 10/16) and Netflix, which I will probably cancel for blockbuster come 10/1. I do use it to search for actors and bios etc and sometimes watch the HD nation and other applications . But if my 722k can't be used without integration , due to this software update, it makes it useless to me. I spent a full $259.00 for it when it first came out , but I simply detest a $4.00 fee to use it with my receiver since the only thing it does for me is allow me to see my recordings through the revue. I can do that for my regular $6.00 DVR fee I already pay DISH for.
You don't need to "integrate" it. Just set up the source manually in the Revue setup. The Revue will still control it thru IR like a regular universal remote control.
You'll just use the DVR guide to set recordings instead of the GTV guide. No big deal.

Or, as I said previously, don't connect the DVR to the Revue at all. Just use the Revue as a standalone internet streaming/web device. Personally, I find no value at all in passing the STB's signal thru it, other than speed of going from Internet to TV and back, which isn't very important to me.
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I do like the picture up converted to 1080p using the revue. I have it run to a hdmi splitter so I can get 1080p in both my computer room and living room .
I do like the picture up converted to 1080p using the revue. I have it run to a hdmi splitter so I can get 1080p in both my computer room and living room .
Do you really see an image quality improvement from the video processing done by the Revue?

I would imagine the video processor in your AVR is better.

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