SatelliteGuys Mafia War Players Unite!

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I got two chariots from the gifts. Pretty good gifts.

They are great gifts. I have 4 so far, but today I got ushanka hats - useless. I also just clicked through 1450 energy trying to rob a troop convoy for Russian ninjas and got nothing. Oh well.

Just sent you 25 jets. That should help a bit. I find that is a great job to loot; basically 2:1 payoff and the jets drop frequently. I'd try to get jets as the lowest item on your vehicle list; then once you succeed, start trying to shutkas or armored state cars.
They are great gifts. I have 4 so far, but today I got ushanka hats - useless. I also just clicked through 1450 energy trying to rob a troop convoy for Russian ninjas and got nothing. Oh well.

Just sent you 25 jets. That should help a bit. I find that is a great job to loot; basically 2:1 payoff and the jets drop frequently. I'd try to get jets as the lowest item on your vehicle list; then once you succeed, start trying to shutkas or armored state cars.

I want to get 100 more squads first then TNT. Then I'll go for those and cane knives.
Been there. I got a brass knuckle today. Yippee!! :)

But executive overcoats have been dropping like candy from a broken pinanta for me today, so I am not complaining.

How do you get the executive overcoats?
How do you get the executive overcoats?

Episode 6, level 1 job in Moscow; and they drop in Moscow fights too. :)

I am up to 34 right now. My goal is 100 of them. The only other defensive armor I have better than the coat is the haitian drum, but I only have 2 of them (one from christmas, and one from this week). Strange that they had a "Haitian charity drum" a month before the earthquake.
Episode 6, level 1 job in Moscow; and they drop in Moscow fights too. :)

I am up to 34 right now. My goal is 100 of them. The only other defensive armor I have better than the coat is the haitian drum, but I only have 2 of them (one from christmas, and one from this week). Strange that they had a "Haitian charity drum" a month before the earthquake.

Do you have to open Episode 6 before they drop in fights? I have none.
Do you have to open Episode 6 before they drop in fights? I have none.

I don't know. Tonight I fought through 60 stamina and only got a carbon blade. Oh, not complaining as that is a very good weapon, but this stuff is like playing a slot machine.
Well I finally sold all my rebel snipers.

Yeah, that is a good feeling! Alas, when I did it, I didn't recoup any of the bribe penalty. Oh well, it is silly money anyways.

I have been very successful looting overcoats still. Got three this morning; Alas, my looter went through a full set of energy (1500 points) and got nada in terms of Shtmurviks. Such is the game. :)
Yeah, that is a good feeling! Alas, when I did it, I didn't recoup any of the bribe penalty. Oh well, it is silly money anyways.

I have been very successful looting overcoats still. Got three this morning; Alas, my looter went through a full set of energy (1500 points) and got nada in terms of Shtmurviks. Such is the game. :)

I need 9 more GS to get 500 then off to TNT.
If any of you guys have any stuff you don't need then let me know, I am up to 47k D and 46k O.
If I knew what I needed for defense, I could help you out. I do have a lot of Conquistador's I'm not using, as well as some other stuff I'm sure. Get back to me, and I'll see what offensive weapons I don't need that will benefit you. I've got Para's and other guns too. Pretty mucj anything under 35 attack in the guns are useless to me.
If any of you guys have any stuff you don't need then let me know, I am up to 47k D and 46k O.

Here is what I have to give away, let me know what you want.


* 44 x CB Aguila HV .50 Sniper Rifle
* 16 x CB ASC45 Conquistador
* 1 x MS Ru-78 Heavy Machine Gun
* 20 x CB Para 322
* 22 x NY BA-12 Assault Rifle
* 11 x MS RAS-15
* 1 x CB M16A1
* 113 x CB RA-92
* 1 x MS RU-7 .45 Pistol
* 6 x CB Garza 9
* 21 x NY Napalm
* 22 x NY Bookies Holdout Pistol
* 85 x CB Ru-38 Pistol
* 32 x NY RPG Launcher
* 7 x LT Treat Bag
* 64 x NY .50 Caliber Rifle
* 2 x NY Grenade Launcher
* 1 x EV Flintlock Pistols
* 58 x NY Semi-Automatic Shotgun
* 81 x NY C4
* 1 x EV Bayonet
* 65 x NY Automatic Rifle
* 59 x NY Firebomb
* 56 x NY Tactical Shotgun
* 25 x NY 9mm Semi-Automatic
* 9 x NY .45 Revolver
* 20 x NY Brass Knuckles
* 19 x NY Butterfly Knife
* 20 x NY .22 Pistol


* 11 x CB Mini-Sub
* 1 x NY Multi-Purpose Truck
* 1 x CB Cigarette Boat
* 33 x CB Chucho FAV
* 30 x CB Mara Serpiente
* 1 x NY Police Cruiser
* 46 x NY GX9
* 44 x CB Ocelot Armored Truck
* 58 x NY Chopper
* 16 x LT Mystery Van
* 56 x NY Armored Car
* 52 x NY Luxury Yacht
* 7 x NY Prop plane
* 72 x NY Armored Truck


# 11 x LT Ghost Thug
# 67 x NY Bodyguards
# 2 x EV Tri-Point Hat
# 61 x NY Night Vision Goggles
# 49 x NY Stab-Proof Vest
# 14 x NY Lucky Shamrock Medallion
If I knew what I needed for defense, I could help you out. I do have a lot of Conquistador's I'm not using, as well as some other stuff I'm sure. Get back to me, and I'll see what offensive weapons I don't need that will benefit you. I've got Para's and other guns too. Pretty mucj anything under 35 attack in the guns are useless to me.

This link will help you.

Mafia Wars Helper
The new treasure chest is a mix of excellent stuff with garbage. Well, garbage for me in that some of it is of no use whatsoever to stats.

But here is a more complete look from Blofeld of the special loot:

Deadly Boomslang ACR 45 / 20

Deadly Car Bomb 42/ 36

Deadly Cattle Prod 14/ 26

Deadly Combat Knift 27/ 21

Deadly COP357 47/ 25

Deadly Flamethrower 35/ 24

Deadly Gold Crowbar 27/ 23

Deadly Light Anti Tank Weapon 33/ 22

Deadly M32 Grenade Launcher 44/ 20

Deadly M468 Assault Rifle 36 / 20

Deadly Meat Hook 28 / 23

Deadly Piano Wire 32 / 16

Deadly Silver Knuckles 22 28


Deadly Chrome Skyline 35 / 22

Deadly Giavellotto 30 / 33

Deadly Impression 28 / 47

Deadly Gold GX9 46 / 30

Deadly SWAT Van 18 / 28
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