As chance would have it, I called Dish Thursday and they installed 2 Hoppers and 3 Joeys the next day. I was replacing 3 DVRs. Originally I had wanted just 1 Hopper with 4 Joeys but there is a limit of only 3 Joeys per Hopper. I had made it very clear when placing the order that I had 5 TVs and was assured that I could get a 1H/4J configuration. Alas, that was not to be. I see no obvious reason for not allowing a 1H/4J configuration and I'm sure that there is probably some upper limit on "clients" but I suspect that it is significantly > 3.
I have to admit that I am very impressed with the Hopper/Joey configuration but the installation did not go seamlessly. I believe that one BIG "gotcha" you need to watch out for is that you have to connect the Joeys ONE-AT-A-TIME. This was the first Hopper/Joey installation for the two techs that arrived. And, I'm sure, that they simply followed what they would normally do. That meant that they ensured all the cabling was correct; unboxed all the equipment; called in all the registration numbers; and then proceeded to fire up the first hopper. Unfortunately when they called in the number for that hopper, it was put in the system incorrectly so it never registered but we didn't know that at the time. So, while waiting for the hopper to come up they connected and powered up the joeys ( which turned out to be a really bad idea ). Nothing worked so at this time, so they fired up the 2nd hopper. The 2nd hopper came up flawlessly but none of the joeys would come up. What was expected to be just a couple hour job had now turned into an all day event. Several default reboots of the 1st hopper never corrected what we didn't know was the problem, the incorrect registration number. That was finally identified late in the afternoon and corrected but none of the joeys would work. They didn't have any extra joeys with them so the primary tech said that he would come back first thing in the morning with 3 new joeys and a new hopper since the 1st hopper still hadn't authorized even though the incorrect number had been corrected.
As we had plans for the evening I didn't get a chance to play for a couple hours. When I returned that evening, I called Dish and asked that they resend the registration number for the 1st hopper and almost immediately that hopper came up. The next morning our tech returned first thing ( turns out this was his day off ) with 3 new joeys, he replaced the old ones one at a time and they each came up as expected. Maybe 10 minutes per Joey and everything worked. The key turned out to be that you MUST connect each joey only after you have your hopper working and each joey MUST come up completely before you plug in and connect the next joey. Do it in order and you're golden.
A couple items that I'll point out:
1) The hoppers see each other but are not linked together. Another item that I suspect is just an artificial limitation that some future software update will allow.
2) The remotes are extremely easy to set up and they are paired to either a hopper or a joey. However, I cannot find a way of getting the remote to control the volume on the stereo receiver instead of the TV ( which worked perfectly on the old 622 DVR remote ). Probably just me. If I figure it out I'll update this post.
3) The hoppers are supposed to be capable of bluetooth audio but I cannot find any reference to bluetooth anywhere in the menu and nothing in the HELP ( there are no detailed printed manuals for either the hopper or the joey and I prefer that but the documentation provided "online" isn't as useful as I would like to see. I'm sure it will get much better until then I'll just continue to "wish" for bluetooth support
4) one of joeys is connected to an old, rear projection wide screen toshiba. That tv predates HDMI so until I get an HDMI-to-Component switch we plugged it in using the standard def video/audio connectors. I am impressed. That is the best standard definition I've ever seen on that TV.
5) The speed of this system is truly impressive. Whether it is moving around through the guide or skipping forward/backward within a video, it is VERY snappy.
6) If you have an external drive connected to your existing DISH DVR, no worries. Just connect your drive to any one of the 3 usb ports ( two in back and one in front ) and go to Menu->Recording Transfer and copy what you want onto your hopper ( doesn't currently work with a Joey but, again, that is probably coming ). And obviously, you can transfer recording onto your external drive. You should move all of your recordings to an external drive prior to your hopper installation as they will take your old DVRs away and I know of no other way of getting them onto your hopper other than by using an external hard drive. A couple of nits here. You're limited to 1TB or less for your external drive ( a bit of a problem when you have a 2TB drive in the hopper

). And, you still can not use an external drive that doesn't have its own power supply. Both of these limitations baffle me. But, being able to simply connect your old external drive to a hopper and have it just work is very nice.
Bottom line: DISH has really hit it out of the park with the Hopper/Joey setup. 2TB storage; MoCA enabled; very, very small footprint ... Fantastic!