Hey Scott,
I hope you didnt pay a lot for this beta-ware. Other than a marked improvement in speed, and it is a
substantial increase, I'm not sure what other redeeming qualities this version has to offer.
Apparently this new version doesnt allow for support of the skin(s) used on the previous version. I too have vision issues, to the point that I almost exclusively run in 800X600 mode on any site that I do intensive reading. The previous skin/color scheme supported that selection nicely. This version jams and or overlaps some fields in that resolution, and 1024X768 makes much of the text illegible.
Also, I noticed that the search for new posts appears to have a hard coded limit, or at least the option to expand the "since" date window is unimplemented as it is at the bottom of other forums that also default to a minimum value for a time window.
Since "new" is subjective, perhaps there is an alternative feature available as Ive seen on other sites that retrieves "Posts since your last visit". I know searches are server time intensive so it would still have abide by the deselected forums filter to be practical, or only offered as a subselection of the items under the new posts tab.
You seem to be very diligent in addressing the bug reports and new operating curve issues. If there is a means to allow selecting the previous GUI under the skins option I for one would be using it, mainly due to the scaling/font issues already mentioned.
And yes it makes my dialup connections appear to be a broadband when logged in here............she's definitely a
LOT quicker.
Errr....umm....Ebay, are you taking notes?.....lol
Get it to (properly) support the lower rez (so I can see it!) and I think I can figure the rest out. You'd think these developers are ex Microsoft the way they shuffled around a standardized GUI and it's accepted commands and terminology.

When you report back to the support group, tell them this consumer rates that design model mentality a D-.