Satellite Net


Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
May 23, 2013
Meadow Vista, Northern California
Anyone interested in forming a satellite Net on HF or VHF repeater via EchoLink or ???

Let's start a discussion on frequencies, formal / informal, how often, etc.

With current propagation, probably be difficult to have a reliable HF NA net. Maybe some Elmers could weigh-in on HF options and times?

I'm game for a weekly HF (40m) or a VHF repeater via EchoLink. Maybe start out as an informal check-in to test interest?
I will give it a try but a coast to coast QSO on HF is not a every day occurrence. I can do VHF and I have not been on Echolink in years.

Basically I like 40 & 20 PSk31..
Would love to do Echolink, but will not work on Hughesnet, as I am behind a CGN with HughesNet so no go there sadly.
I use to use Echolink all the time and had even had two links set up on my repeater system.
However, have not got to use it since 2005. :(

Agree nation wide HF will not work without a lot of relays, however I am all for trying a 40 meter net and see how it goes.
Would love to do Echolink, but will not work on Hughesnet, as I am behind a CGN with HughesNet so no go there sadly.
I use to use Echolink all the time and had even had two links set up on my repeater system.
However, have not got to use it since 2005. :(

Agree nation wide HF will not work without a lot of relays, however I am all for trying a 40 meter net and see how it goes.

Pick a time and frequency and see if it would work, is anyone mid-country that can act as net control??
I'm monitoring 5357KHz 24/7 for propagation mapping using Olivia 4-250. My beacon goes out every 1/2 hour at 01m:52s after top of the hour and half hour. I often look at the beacons, so if you send a message I'll likely receive it. Bands have been pretty bad though lately...
Likely best bet is 20m maybe 14.225 MHz and up for USB voice. 40m can work too when MUF drops below 10MHz.
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Reactions: Titanium and KE4EST
3/4 of us can be done on 40 in the evening with good condux ... net control would prolly need to be nebraska or KC

KE4EST: you know much about hughesnet equipment? How much power is sent to BUC (tx) ...

Sent from my SM-G930V using the SatelliteGuys app!
I think it is 1 Watt but I am going from memory. I could be way off. :)
Ok .... pics are not working again?

Have you heard the FCC rules changes on CB radio skip bans?

Decode HD Radio Signals with SDR!
