40/20 meter QSO/Net for Satguys hams

Our county ARES will be participating only via Winlink. I will be messaging from home via Winmor on 40m (Flex 6300) and Winlink on 2m (TNC-X to Yaesu 8900r).

Have a great exercise!

I was the only one in my county ARES group that could send via Winlink today (me the newbie).

I got the ARC-6409 form sent off and got an acknowledgement back from ARCATL.

Drill successful for me today. How was the drill for you Brian?
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The Part A voice traffic net was interesting to listen to. Simulated broken generators and supply deliveries and all sorts of simulated situations arose.

I'm also hoping to have Winlink up on HF over the weekend.
Titanium do you have "Winlink Wednesdays" traffic drill where you are?
There is an award when you reach 100 checkins via Winlink.
Each mode counts as a separate check-in in a single day, P-t-p, vhf, the HF modes.
Once a month you have to use an ICS-213 form.
Someone pick a YSF reflector/room and we can try meeting up there.
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Always interested in chatting wiht other hams especially on the air. Gotta work though and my system is tied up as a Winlink/VARA RMS gateway currently.
You are welcome to send me a message via HF though. 14096KHz 1400-2359Z. I also have 7096KHz 0000Z to 1359Z for overnight/evening/early am. Try to keep it short though still getting QTC through the system from US 4 and 5 call areas that may be disaster related.
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Had to take the RMS station down for a while, have a crew here removing dead trees frm the property. Some are close to where I have antennae anchored so to be on the safe side I pulled down those antennae and shut down the radios.
May have things back up and running tomorrow if all goes well to day.
We could meet in one my club's bridged rooms (www.w6ek.org). We run the Coffee Break Net daily from 7:30am to 10am Pacific Time. Thursday and Sunday evenings have nets at 7:30 Pacific Time. I am available to run net control. Analog or Digital? Start a vote for day, time and mode?

Analog 2 meter
1. Wires-X: W6EK-2M-ROOM (62545)
2. AllStarLink: 51018
3. Echolink: 4128
4. Listen on Broadcastify: W6EK 145.4300 MHz Sierra Foothills ARC Repeater Live Audio Feed

Digital C4FM 70cm
1. Wires-X: Sierra-NorCal (62998)
2. FCS: SierraNorCal FCS00360
3. Listen on Broadcastify: W6EK 440.5750 MHz Sierra Foothills ARC Repeater Live Audio Feed
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Around here 2M is much better than 70cm. I've hooked up with people all the way from Guam to Spain on 2M repeaters while never hitting a single connection on 70cm.
Around here 2M is much better than 70cm. I've hooked up with people all the way from Guam to Spain on 2M repeaters while never hitting a single connection on 70cm.
My question is, if we want to connect via a room, which mode(s) do most SatGuys use? VHF or UHF doesn't matter as we will only be using the connected bridged rooms. Maybe I should start a new thread with SatGuys Net Title.

Amsat meeting in October

Satelliteguys Net via AllStarLink / Echolink, FCS/YSF or Wires-X?

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