Well, now I've gone and done it. I just ordered the XR-3. I'll look into buying the XR-S2ACM-01 when I buy a 16/32 APSK capable receiver. Hopefully the wife won't find out........
What module did you order with the XR-3? The XR-S2ACM-01 module is the same price as the Turbo S2 module, $310. For FTA, I don't see a reason to buy the Turbo instead of the ACM module.
BTW... Dr. HD left a sample build of their new meter. Very impressive. They are working on a few functions for release firmware, but the features and performance are pretty impressive! He is sending a factory sample and I'll post a review when it is ready for market.
What module did you order with the XR-3? The XR-S2ACM-01 module is the same price as the Turbo S2 module, $310. For FTA, I don't see a reason to buy the Turbo instead of the ACM module.
For 50 dollars how about the V8 Finder?
johnnynobody I know people that use super buddy's for Dsh and Directv. Its nice for Dish because you can hit each lnbf to peak. For the money its a WAY WAY better meter then the Birdog.
If buying the AI XR-3 meter new, the XR-S2ACM-01 module provides ACM and 16/32APSK support! Thinking of selling my AI Turbo S2 and upgrading...![]()
I have the XR-3 it's bad ass!!!! Use it mostly with offair module for install's at customers sites trying to get rid of cable bills.
Well, it does have a lot of pretty lights. I haven't had a lot of use for it yet. If I was in business for myself then this is the type of test equipment I would get. I probably would've done fine with a much cheaper instrument. But I can afford it anyway. By the way, why can't your customers use the auto-channel-scan feature of their TV?