Satellite Dish Complaint - OTARD Response Letter

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If I was the fuming neighbour, I wouldnt read it as its too long. Try to be more concise....
I have to agree with this. It's way too long for the average person and also includes way too much "fluff" (why you moved to that neighborhood, you checked other spots to locate dish, and the entire 2nd to last paragraph). I'd start with paragraph 5 and include 6-7 only. That is, IF you even send it now.

I also agree with Claude -- do NOTHING at this point. Call his/her bluff. You have NOTHING to lose.
Hi Tripinva,
My opinon is you do not owe this person any kind of explaination. The letter to this person right now will be accepted as challenge. I would not send the letter and wait until she takes action.
You don't want to show your hand before any acton is taken. Maybe if you ignore it it will go away.

mikelib WA2ACV
My two cents don't poke the bear. The person who said something does not know the law let them press the issue they will find out they are wrong.

Plan 2 - Go get your amateur licensee and put up a 40 foot tower they will love that. :)

Bingo on both fronts! :)
As a person who used to live and work for the government in northern VA, I understand your situation. Hopefully an HOA is not involved. If so, you can expect all sorts of retaliation, i.e., planting the wrong type of flowers, grass too short or too long, wrong color or type of mailbox (not basic black). This list is endless and I have experienced enough to fill several pages.

My advice would be to nip it in the bud. Make it short and polite with url references. I am of the opinion that you have been challenged and ignoring that challenge will cause it to exacerbate and will eventually have to be confronted. Immediately addressing the situation in a polite manner is a positive step.

But of course, I am a person with the belief that my forty years of military and government experience entitles me to the rights that I have protected by serving.

Please keep us posted!
You are well armed. Ignore the blowhard.
Most don't follow through.
I wouldn't respond in writing 'till they escalate.
Likely it's already over, since they had their say.
Sending the letter now, is more likely to inflame the situation. :)
Great letter and like one that I supposedly would compose in your situation.

Your description of the current set-up might have prompted me to contact a neighbor with a similar set-up. I tend to agree that a blue tub in the front yard with draped coax would not bring out my favorite, buddy/buddy, neighbor status! :D

Home Depot and Lowes have larger wood planter boxes that the blue tub should drop into and provide better curbside appeal. Add a little soil and some inexpensive plants and you have a planter with a large garden metal artwork! I would trench the coax just under the sod to hide the run.

Good luck with your new job and the neighbors!
I'm confused. Is this a Directv size dish? You said it's motorized and pointed at 125. That sounds like at least a 6' dish. If so, I don't think OTARD applies. It's for dishes one meter and under.
I'm confused. Is this a Directv size dish? You said it's motorized and pointed at 125. That sounds like at least a 6' dish. If so, I don't think OTARD applies. It's for dishes one meter and under.

Trip has a 90cm and HH motor currently watching PBS on 125w KU.
Ah, so it's under a meter. Thanks for the clarification. To the point then, I don't think you owe your neighbor anything. As long as you are within the law, you can do as you wish. I wouldn't bother with a letter.
Congratulations, Trip, on the new assignment, sorry you had to move to that hotbed of Fairfax, lol. I think I would agree with others who say, let it ride for now. Let the instigator make the next move, and if they show up on your property uninvited again-I think I would call the local police to have them removed for disorderly/threatening conduct.
Plan 2 - Go get your amateur licensee and put up a 40 foot tower they will love that. :)

N4MJC, nice to meet you. ;)

As a person who used to live and work for the government in northern VA, I understand your situation. Hopefully an HOA is not involved.

No HOA. That would have been a dealbreaker for me.

Your description of the current set-up might have prompted me to contact a neighbor with a similar set-up. I tend to agree that a blue tub in the front yard with draped coax would not bring out my favorite, buddy/buddy, neighbor status! :D

Haha. See photo, attached. Taken this morning.

I made sure to get the bright blue recycling bin, which every home has in front, in the picture as well.

Maybe I won't send it... technically, I don't even have her address, she just said "two houses down," which is confusing when all the houses are duplexes. Still on the fence though.

- Trip


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hello,this is my first post. cant pass this up! that town would hate me!! two tens,one ten mesh,one 36 fortec, two round primestars bigger than fortec, two oval primestars, one starband, and a bunch of d*** round and oval. here in southern wv there is no laws! no nosey neighbors,unless they need parts or help,one sidecar, one 922, one pansat 2100a, one viewsat ultra,one nfusion, and of course one geosat pro micro HD!!!!!
I have to agree. It is a little "in your face." I can see why she complained.

You're entitled to the dish and you shouldn't be forced to do without it (and I think you won't) but you also have to live next door to these people for presumably a long time so a bit more effort now could really make your long term life easier.

If that really is the only location, can you put it closer to the ground, down the right side of the house near the fence, up against the house to the left of the door, paint it a darker color or mount it on the front of the house or roof?

And besides, if you give a little on this one, it'll make it so much easier to introduce a six-footer for C-band overnight sometime ;)
hello,this is my first post. cant pass this up! that town would hate me!! two tens,one ten mesh,one 36 fortec, two round primestars bigger than fortec, two oval primestars, one starband, and a bunch of d*** round and oval. here in southern wv there is no laws! no nosey neighbors,unless they need parts or help,one sidecar, one 922, one pansat 2100a, one viewsat ultra,one nfusion, and of course one geosat pro micro HD!!!!!

Post some photos, please. Sounds like my kind of place.
for good measure, you could 'throw up' an OTA antenna. (LOL)
I think it's 'over'. The complainer doesn't have 'a leg to stand on'.
"End of story" so to say.
But do agree with " let them make the 'first move', then Ka-pow!.
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