If I still have to pay a $6.00 leasing fee a month and $49 install fee then I'll just keep the client. I could see paying 6.00 a month if I was leading the box but if the box isn't there then that fee shouldn't be charged.
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Not that I agree with it but the 6$ charge is for the ability to watch directv programming. . Not a rental fee.
All that money spent for what just so you can see the difference, which you probably won't
then probably return it and say it didn't look no different then the 1080p HD or 720p.
After having done 4 different 4k upgrades I can see a difference in PQ on larger tvs. The only I didn't care for so much was either a 32 or maybe a 42.. but it was like bedroom sized. I've installed on two 65s and 1 55. They both looked great. But to each their own.