Sampling of Where the 811 Installs are Being Rescheduled

I called last Monday the 8th, scheduled for today the 15th ( 12-5p.m.). I got a call at 10:45 saying they were out of 811's and could reschedule me for the 30th. I was already prepared for this answer since his first question was not "How do I get to your house." I know this thread is for something else so this is what I know... Tampa is where the 811 was coming from and the installer was coming from Savannah.
I got rescheduled to the 28th. I was suppose to have it installed on the 18th.. NOt suprised with such a good deal at a beginning of a new product. Bumed yes, but not suprises. Gives me a little more time to make sure it is the move I want to make.
Well I waited until just before leaving from work and called Dish to see if my install, which WAS scheduled for tomorrow was still a go. The CSR looked up my account and said yes, it was still scheduled. I asked her if she was sure because I got a call for the Dish service center here in Phoenix yesterday and they said they were out of 811's and weren't sure when they were coming in. I told her that if I take the day off and nobody shows up from Dish, I'm going to expect to be reimbursed for a day's pay. She had me hold on so she could check. About 10 minutes later, she said that they had to reschedule my installation until the afternoon of December 29th. What a way to do business.

When I got home, I checked my caller-ID to see what the Dish number was that I was called from yesterday. I called that number and spoke to a real nice young lady who told me that they have been told that they won't be getting any 811's into the warehouse for another two weeks. I vented to her for a little bit and then apologized for doing so. She said she understood because she can't understand why Dish is still selling these receivers and scheduling installations when they don't have enough product to service the one's people already ordered. She told me that she would keep an eye out for the 811's and if they come in earlier, she would try to move up my installation. For me, and I'm sure others out there, I was adding a receiver so Dish is losing income from me while I wait for a receiver. I asked her to check to see if my CC was charged yet, and so far, it hasn't.
asked her to check to see if my CC was charged yet, and so far, it hasn't.

You might want to check it yourself and not trust the CSR 100% of the time . I bet that you have a charge on your account .
hemway said:
I asked her to check to see if my CC was charged yet, and so far, it hasn't.

My CC was charged the day before my original installation date. IF you can check your statement on-line, you might get a rude surprise.

It may also take 24 to 36 hours to show up on your online Creditcard account but I bet you 5 cents that they already charged you. Isn't this illegal ?
I'm in Central NJ. I ordered my 811 on 12/8 with installation scheduled for today, 12/15. I received a call from Dish on 12/14 saying they had to reschedule. They gave me the options of 12/23, 12/24 or 12/26.

I took tha 12/23 AM slot since I was home anyway. However, based on the other postings, I'm not particularly confident that will happen either.

Anyone else in New Jersey receive their 811 yet?

I saw the charge on my CC 2 days after I ordered it. It sucks. I don't know how long I gotta wait before it finally happens :(
The fact that pisses me off big time is that my neighbor who ordered(from a local retailer) 811 2 days after me already got his installed!! Maybe the local retailers are playing a "no stock" game when they are actually doing the installs for people who went to them directly?
I checked my account online and called my credit card company, and I haven't been charged for the 811 yet.

When I talked to the lady here in Phoenix, she said that they only got aboy ten receivers in so far. She also said that she only knows of three retailers who each got one.
Ordered mine the 4th for 13th install. I could have had an earlier weekday but wanted a weekend. I called DISH the 11th to verify and per the CSR all was ok. Friday the 12th I got the call and was rescheduled for the 17th.
Let's see what happens..
jssat said:
I just have one question, has anyone had the 811 installed as promised? :frowning:

I ordered on Dec 9 and was given a Dec 15 (yesterday) 12-5PM appointment. I was changing out my 6000 for the new 811. The guy arrived at 1:45, 811 in hand. He left at 2:15. The only problem I found with the install was that he had my S-Video audio cables attached to the audio input instead of output. He was testing sound on my receiver and not on the TV itself. It was quickly fixed. All in all, a nice experience.
You can read my full rant on the main page. Scheduled for 12/16, called on 12/16, told it would be January or later. And I'm not even a customer yet.
Hello everyone. I'm a new member here, having just found out about this forum from the AVS Forum. I really like what I see so far.

Anyway, I was a dish customer for 3 years until Feb 2003 when I switched back to Adelphia cable (big mistake). I reactivated my account and got the 811 for $199 and the 510 for free (sold all my previous receivers on ebay--LOL). My install is scheduled for tomorrow, and so far it hasn't been canceled.

I scheduled through dish, so I don't know which local installer they are using. I thought about calling dish to confirm, but it sounds like that is useless. My question is this--I'm located in Frederick, MD. Is there anyone nearby, or at least in the Mid-atlantic region that has either had their 811 installed or had their appointment pushed back?

Also, it looks like most of you are existing customers. Do you think that has anything to do with the delays? While I'm not technically a new customer, my reactivation does mean an additional $80 or so per month for them, so perhaps they have more incentive to get me installed. Could just be a conspiracy theory, but thought I'd ask.


Modesto, CA. Ordered my 811 on December 9th from Dish. Promised installation on the 11th. Postponed to the 12th (sick technician). Postponed to the 13th (sick technician). Postponed to the 16th (no units available). I must call on the 15th to see if units are in. It's been a frustrating run-a-round.

Was rescheduled to the 28th (A Sunday!! Our 40th wedding anniversary. I called and said "No Way! Rescheduled to the 30th with no guarantee of units being in.

I called Dish today and vented on a very nice and understanding lady. She did some checking and found that the "sick technician" excuse was not valid as the distributor in Fresno had no units in. They have charged my credit card as their policy is "they must be paid before they can install." This whole thing has been a grand run around for me. I have rearranged plans 3 times for them to show up. All we can do is vent at the CSR's who have nothing to do with the problem.

There is a reason that Dish is not #1 with J.D. Powers Customer Satisfaction Surveys. These posts are an example of why.
Well, after re-scheduling my 811 install last week from 12/11 to 12/23, Dish left a message yesterday to call regarding installation schedule. Wife called them this morning and she said they were very accommodating.

They told her that they got in a supply of 811's and they would schedule my install (Arvada, CO) whenever I wanted it. :D My wife set it for Friday, 12/19 PM because she wanted me home when they did the install and I'm off that afternoon.

We shall see!
I called Dish yesterday, CSR said that they weren't selling the 811 anymore, gave me a list of local (Dallas) retaillers to try.... no luck with them yet
Kevinw said:
Ordered mine the 4th for 13th install. I could have had an earlier weekday but wanted a weekend. I called DISH the 11th to verify and per the CSR all was ok. Friday the 12th I got the call and was rescheduled for the 17th.
Let's see what happens..
DID NOT get the call to cancel last night SOOO lets see if they show today. I am supposed to have the last install of the day...

Interesting SBC News... Any ideas?

Does AEP include locals?

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