When my DG-280 decided to go one direction only, no amount of resetting it helped. (And I never did figure out how to translate that mumbo-jumbo in the manual into something I could do on my Openbox, either!) Digging through the archives here revealed that it was most likely a stuck relay. So I opened it up, figuring that it'd be a no-brainer to unstick. Nope! They used those little micro-relays that you can't pull the cover off of. (Gee, if you're gonna go that small, why not use an optocoupler and eliminate a mechanical failure point? Surely someone makes an optocoupler that can handle that much current these days.) I tried to look up the part number of the relay online, and nobody seemed to carry them anymore. Rather than try to find a substitute, I looked around and found that, at the time, Sadoun was selling replacement boards for the DG-280 on ebay for about half the price of a new motor. So I bought one of them, and then when I went to replace it, I was further annoyed to find that somewhere between when my motor was made and when my replacement board was made, some genius had turned around the cable that connects the main board to the board that's connected to the actual motor, so that the plug-end was now the hardwired-end and vice-versa! So I ended up doing a whole lot more soldering than I intended (it should've been none at all). But at least my motor worked again. Hopefully it works longer than the ~18 months it worked on the first board!