dbs_sub_95 said:
Well, the rumors have been flying around and d* has taken notice. I didn't see anything about prices in the notice so I thought I'd call them. Apparently they have seen the article because they acknowledged there is an article about this. The official word from d* word for word " There has been an article based on rumors from satelliteguys.us that is absolutely false regarding free advanced products. The new 2 year commitment is being put in place, however this does not affect equipment prices. " . This being from 2 supervisors and 1 manager who all seemed knowledgable about the issue.
And do you think supervisors and managers are made aware of changes. All I can say is that you will see in time that all three of these people would be wrong. If the price wouldn't change they sure as hell wouldn't start requring a two year agreement. Do you have any idea how much trouble they have making a customer who just spent 600+ agree to another year of service. Trust me in that not all of us sit here and agree to the year. They will have the biggest backlash they have ever seen.
Now either way I do have direct and indirect knowledge that prices would be either free or very low cost. Those three might have said they wouldn't be free but they won't in any way be close to current prices. Just think along with lines of less than 100 bucks for an HD DVR with a two year agreement. From from what I hear is that you will get a bigger discount depending on which package you agree with.
Now this is rumor that I'm going to say below but it should be like this.
If you agree to two years of any total choice package with locals you would get xx amont in discounts to lower your upfront onetime cost.
Total Choice Plus with locas would give a bigger upfront discount.
Total choice Premier with locals would get you the biggest discount.
The HD Package would also garner a discount as well.
So to put this simple your discount will be the biggest if you agree to two years of their total choice premier package with locals "AND" the HD Package.
Now you can always get out of this contract by cancelling service and sending them back the hardware. They win this way. Or you could pay whatever pro-rated fees that are set in place which would allow you to cancel and keep the hardware.
Again their high-end customers will get the best deals which a low-end customer won't get as good a deal. This would be no different than customer rentionion offers that are based on what you order.