Rumor - Free Hd Equipment From Direct?

Please reply by conversation.
asousa said:
The HD DVR HR10-250 will do us no good!!! We won't be able to see the new HD feeds because they will be MPEG-4.

This is not a good situation at all!!!
Depends where you live. If you are in an area w/OTA HD, then you are fine! It's the people that cannot receive OTA HD that need the new hardware, at least in the beginning.

The new HD birds primary mission is to provide HD Locals. ;)
Plywodstatebum said:
I think there saying 2007 for the first 200 DMA's are up and running so do some math and see when you may receive yours. I figure I'll get mine in 2007 and I'll get 4 years of locals before the world ends in 12-21-2012 "When The Mayan Calender ends" so I should be burned out on HD by
I thought it was 12/24/2012?

Hmmm...4 less days of local HD programming... :D
Incaico said:
I think it's more a bandwidth issue than speed.

HD Baby! :yes

So this won't be using IP for transport but some other method? If that's the case how would this also be able to interface with your home network to allow for playing music or recalling pictures from your home network, which I thought was to be some of the capabilities of the system?
Incaico said:
Depends where you live. If you are in an area w/OTA HD, then you are fine! It's the people that cannot receive OTA HD that need the new hardware, at least in the beginning.

The new HD birds primary mission is to provide HD Locals. ;)

for locals yes, this will not be the case when they add new National HDs to the current sats that they already have. Those new channels will be in MPEG-4....and if what has been said is true then only people in the top markets will have access to them in the early going. And on top of all that, if you are a TIVO owner now, you will not be able to use it if you are in the first markets to get MPEG-4 becasue they will not have a DVR replacement yet.
There is no way that they can expect to switch HD-TIVO customers over to a non DVR product and expect us not to complain or to defect to cable or, ugh, DISH. I don't own a TV in my house that is not connected to a DVR. I have grown used to watching all TV, HD and SD, with a DVR. I sometimes reach for the pause and rewind button when I'm at other peoples homes before remembering that they don't have a DVR. I won't give this up on my main viewing TV. Who in their right mind would give up the features of their $1000 HD-TIVO for a non DVR product and sign a 2 year agreement to get a free standard HD box. Direct TV better think this through.
Gen Custer said:
I sometimes reach for the pause and rewind button when I'm at other peoples homes before remembering that they don't have a DVR.

Thats funny. My wife and I tried to do the same thing at the movies. She had to go to the bathroom but of course, we couldnt pause Batman. You can see why Theatre attendence is down.
Gen Custer said:
There is no way that they can expect to switch HD-TIVO customers over to a non DVR product and expect us not to complain or to defect to cable or, ugh, DISH. I don't own a TV in my house that is not connected to a DVR. I have grown used to watching all TV, HD and SD, with a DVR. I sometimes reach for the pause and rewind button when I'm at other peoples homes before remembering that they don't have a DVR. I won't give this up on my main viewing TV. Who in their right mind would give up the features of their $1000 HD-TIVO for a non DVR product and sign a 2 year agreement to get a free standard HD box. Direct TV better think this through.

I agree 100%.
Folks before Robert jumps back in here ...

I was not saying that D* will replace the HR10-250s with non-DVRs I was saying that it is rumoured and I wished that Robert would quell that particular rumor. Just as there is no MPEG4 compliant DVR available there also is no MPEG4 box ... period.

Sorry if I caused a rumble, I had just wanted Robert to chime in and "say it isn't so."
asousa said:
for locals yes, this will not be the case when they add new National HDs to the current sats that they already have. Those new channels will be in MPEG-4....and if what has been said is true then only people in the top markets will have access to them in the early going. And on top of all that, if you are a TIVO owner now, you will not be able to use it if you are in the first markets to get MPEG-4 becasue they will not have a DVR replacement yet.
National HD locals are currently available in MPEG-2. My HR10-250's can receive them perfectly. Which new National HDs are you referring to? Local market channels? I also receive those OTA and there is no HD content there. :no

I guess it depends where you live and your access to HD channels/content. Otherwise, the sky is not falling. ;)
Incaico said:
National HD locals are currently available in MPEG-2. My HR10-250's can receive them perfectly. Which new National HDs are you referring to? Local market channels? I also receive those OTA and there is no HD content there. :no

I guess it depends where you live and your access to HD channels/content. Otherwise, the sky is not falling. ;)

It highly likely that all new National HD channels will be in MPEG4. If you are happy with the HD package now and don't care about getting any new channels, then I guess you will be happy if D* doesn't give you a free upgrade.

As far as OTA HD content, you're wrong about no content. Just about every prime time drama, most new made for TV movies, and most of the sit-coms are now in HD. A majority of the major sporting events are now in HD, and if you have PBS-HD, they are 24/7 HD (or upconverted letterbox). The only thing I don't see in HD are these stupid reality shows, the news, and older programming.
billbillw said:
The only thing I don't see in HD are these stupid reality shows, the news, and older programming.

I thought Fox was doing some reality shows in HD (or is it SD 16:9). I know that the Branson show, the Casio show and Nanny 911 are at least in 16:9, not sure if HD or SD though.
rad said:
I thought Fox was doing some reality shows in HD (or is it SD 16:9). I know that the Branson show, the Casio show and Nanny 911 are at least in 16:9, not sure if HD or SD though.

Those are upconverted SD. Same with COPS and FOX News Sunday
rad said:
I thought Fox was doing some reality shows in HD (or is it SD 16:9). I know that the Branson show, the Casio show and Nanny 911 are at least in 16:9, not sure if HD or SD though.

I didn't say ALL reality shows. There are obviously some that are in HD, American IDOL is definetetly in HD as well as a few other Fox shows, but most are still in SD, probably due to low budgets.
billbillw said:
It highly likely that all new National HD channels will be in MPEG4. If you are happy with the HD package now and don't care about getting any new channels, then I guess you will be happy if D* doesn't give you a free upgrade.

As far as OTA HD content, you're wrong about no content. Just about every prime time drama, most new made for TV movies, and most of the sit-coms are now in HD. A majority of the major sporting events are now in HD, and if you have PBS-HD, they are 24/7 HD (or upconverted letterbox). The only thing I don't see in HD are these stupid reality shows, the news, and older programming.

Please read my post carefully. I am referring to local HD content. You are referring to national network content. I am aware of current HD programming available. No local channels, barring the major local networks, have HD content.
No local channels, barring the major local networks, have HD content.

What other local channels do you watch besides, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, UPN, WB, PBS? All have HD content. I know some localities have news channels that are not HD, but there is hardly a shortage of HD.
Yes, it would be kinda nice if D* added PBS, UPN and WB, at least nationally.
sltmag said:
What other local channels do you watch besides, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, UPN, WB, PBS? All have HD content. I know some localities have news channels that are not HD, but there is hardly a shortage of HD.

Exactly. Most local channels are just conduits for the national networks. I'm not sure what he is talking about. ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, UPN, PBS, WB all have a majority of their primetime content in HD.

let me get this straight. does this mean that i can get a free hd reciever and a free dvr to replace my standard recievers with a 2 yr. committment, or does this mean i can only get one upgraded receiver, not two. thanks for your help.
rad said:
I thought Fox was doing some reality shows in HD (or is it SD 16:9). I know that the Branson show, the Casio show and Nanny 911 are at least in 16:9, not sure if HD or SD though.

The Richard Branson/FOX reality show called The Rebel Billionaire, although a ratings flop, WAS in HD and is a prime example of how although we viewers DO want every program in HD, why was this produced in HD over major sporting events and movies? I mean geez, until you can do the higher priority shows, leave this crap in SD or SD widescreen please.
Please reply by conversation.

Pace Micro to supply D* with next gen STB's in 2006

Locals in SW Georgia
