The $100 price drop turned out to be merely a closeout sale for the 60GB PS3s. The price goes back up when the supply is exhausted....
has that been confirmed? everything I have seen is that they cant make up there mind.
One quick thing before I head to the show for the last day. I just wanted to clarify something. I've seen a lot of posts this morning related to the 60GB SKU and the comments by SCEE President David Reeves. As we announced this week, SCEA's product offering in North America consists of a 80GB PS3 available in August and a 60GB PS3 available now for $499. We will have ample supplies of both models to meet the needs of consumers for the foreseeable future.
Wouldn't eliminating backwards compatibility be even more detrimental to the system as it would mean most if not all of the upcoming games that look worth playing would not be playable? As of right now the PS3 is a descent blu-ray player but an awful gaming machine.
I still think the PS3 spec is way overdone. If the paging file size isn't all that big and I'm not planning on doing online DL's, I think a 2-4GB flash card should handle the trick for all the necessary saves and temporary storage. Wouldn't that reduce production costs(or at least shave some cost off)?
Wouldn't eliminating backwards compatibility be even more detrimental to the system as it would mean most if not all of the upcoming games that look worth playing would not be playable? As of right now the PS3 is a descent blu-ray player but an awful gaming machine.