Rockstar Releases GTA V Gameplay Video

Looks like GTA V on PS4/One got a graphical DOWNGRADE of all things resulting from recent patches.

Here's the translated Youtube text:

This time we go with a VERY unfortunate comparison. It seems that by mistake or on purpose, Rockstar has cut in several graphic aspects GTAV for PS4 / ONE with the arrival of the last 2 updates. Complaints and rumors started when some users noticed that collisions of the vehicles had worsened and anisotropic filtering worse.

Therefore, I decided to reinstall the game in its vanilla version and what I have found beyond those two aspects:

- Worse anisotropic filtering.
- Gran cut in the parallax occlusion (earth, stones, gravel ...)
- Mayor popping (especially in traffic)
- Worse distance drawn (blurred)
- Cuts in the system of vehicle damage.

This is, at least, outrageous. I really hope it has been a mistake when schedule updates, because it seems quite serious.

At the end of the video I invite you to press Rockstar with hahstag #FIXGTAV, so at least have the decency to give some explanation.

Apparently Rockstar is aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
Rockstar has released a PC trailer of GTA V in 60 FPS

GTA V really is a great game. I've been super tempted to buy it every time I've seen it for sale on PS4/Xbox One. It looked pretty great on PS3 but even when I was playing it back then it felt like it should have been a PS4 game. I've had it in my cart on Amazon more than once. Then I remember how many games I have in my backlog that I haven't played once yet and I hold off.

I absolutely will own it on PC though. The only thing that kept me from buying it last week on PS4 for $40 was the fact that the PC version is so close to release. I want the crazy mod support that is going to come with this game and if I'm going to be a graphics whore and buy the same game again I might as well wait for the best possible version of that. Hopefully there is a nice discount in the Steam summer sale if not before then.
If I ever end up getting the game I'll definitely get the PC version, but I have a feeling that it's going to be a LONG time, like not until I can get the game for $20 or cheaper. Besides, looking at this game in action I know that this will make my video card cry. Hell I can't get Saints Row 4 to run at 60 FPS at a respectable resolution, and I know this'll be a harder strain on my hardware than that game was. Probably by the time the game gets that cheap (which I don't think will be for at LEAST 12 months) I will have upgraded my card to be able to pull off 1080p/60FPS quite easily for this.
Another trailer apparently was uploaded. Note that this one is in Russian (Text, not speech)

In case you're one of those old fogies that still buys physical copies of computer games, the GTA V PC game comes on 7 DVDs.

In case you're one of those old fogies that still buys physical copies of computer games, the GTA V PC game comes on 7 DVDs.


That looks very similar to the AC Unity picture I posted a couple weeks ago. This looks like a much nicer package though. The AC Unity box was basically a regular DVD case with a taller spindle so all 5 DVDs could be stacked on top of each other.

I bought retail copies instead of downloading for 4 or 5 PC games. For context I currently have 253 games in my Steam library and that's not counting stuff in uPlay, Origin, Battlenet, etc... Every time I have gone with a physical copy it was because it was discounted when the digital copy wasn't for some reason.

Each of them also required a Steam, uPlay, or Battlenet account so it's not like you could use a psychical copy to get around not having an internet connection either. The only reason I can see for physical PC games to still exist is for people with extremely slow internet, or a low data cap. Luckily neither of those things are an issue for me. In fact, I used my CD key to download AC Unity so I wouldn't have to pay attention and keep switching between the 5 installation discs.
So GTA V has finally "dropped" on PC, and it seems to be done quite well, although there are still a few bugs..

Oh, and if your Windows profile has any special characters in it, the game can't launch.

Overall it looks like they didn't make the same mistakes they did with GTA IV. Considering they developed this in parallel with the originals that probably helped a lot, as opposed to simply trying to port a massive game like this. Speaking of "massive", file size wise this game is huge. It's like 60GB+ but also apparently you need like 100GB total to get the actual files, and then unpack them before you install them, so some people have been complaining about ruining their SSDs with this. Still, other than that and a few early bugs, performance seems to be solid and overall people are praising this definitive edition of the game. There's even some cool PC exclusive little tweaks, such as this, and you can expand your viewing range quite a bit like this. I will definitely jump back into GTA V in the future when the price has dropped significantly and my machine has been upgraded. I do wish R* had released the game early to reviewers so we'd get some feedback on the game beforehand, but given how much this has been delayed I'm not surprised they'd keep this game back as much as possible.

Oh, and on a side note, this game may be indirectly responsible for messing up my computer. Last night I decided to update my Nvidia drivers, which were specifically released in preparation for GTA V. Obviously that wasn't my motivation for doing the update, but rather my motivation was that I couldn't remember the last time I had updated. So I did the install and then fired up Guild Wars 2, and now the game is messed up. It'll randomly hang and won't move unless I alt-tab out and go back in, and then the behavior will repeat itself. I'm trying to get this resolved, but I guess if anything can be taken from this it's maybe hold off on this particular driver update.

Here's a video a user made that is made just with the Rockstar Editor:
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That game has amazing sales numbers. For many games 2 million copies sold on all platforms combined would be great numbers. GTA V hit that in 1 month on PC where the install base for machines strong enough to play it is relatively small.

As of February GTA V had sold 45 million copies and that was before the game launched on PC.
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Someone made a gravity gun mod for GTA V...

More fun MOD stuff..

In other, not so great news, people are reporting they're being banned from online play for using single player mods, including simple ones that just increase the FOV (which I've read is punishingly small.)

From what I've read it sounds like you need to remove all mod files from the game folder before you go into online multiplayer mode. It sounds like you can use mods all you want in single player but they scan the game folder for mods whenever you go online. If the files are modified you get a ban whether the mods are active or not.

I understand wanting to keep cheaters out of a multiplayer game but it would be a pain to have to remove all your single player mods every time you want to fire up GTA Online.

From IGN

"We have always appreciated the creative efforts of the PC modding community and we still fondly remember the awesome zombie invasion mod and original GTA map mod for GTAIV PC among many other classics. To be clear, the modding policy in our license has not changed and is the same as for GTAIV. Recent updates to GTAV PC had an unintended effect of making unplayable certain single player modifications. This was not intentional, no one has been banned for using single player modifications, and you should not worry about being banned or being relegated to the cheater pool just for using single player PC mods. Our primary focus is on protecting GTA Online against modifications that could give players an unfair advantage, disrupt gameplay, or cause griefing. It also bears mentioning that because game mods are by definition unauthorized, they may be broken by technical updates, cause instability, or affect your game in other unforeseen ways."

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