Overall it just sucks to be a gamer in Australia. You typically get games later than everyone else (although recently AAA releases have alleviated that), their games and software are more expensive (typically around $100 Australian, and $1 Australian is $1.19 US, and
let's not forget the Adobe CS price debacle), they often have bad multiplayer support because companies rarely put up servers locally for them (or at least not in the same amount they do in US and Europe) and as mentioned, they are heavy on censorship. L4D2 was different there as they cut out a lot of excessive blood, and
let's not forget what they did to the South Park game. Some people get around that by importing games from Europe, but for PC releases on Steam you're basically SOL (maybe there's a way around it with VPNs but it's still a major annoyance.)
But yes overall it's complete bull that in 2014 we're still censoring art.