
Considering the point of these threads is to discuss the show, I don't think spoiler tags or even spoiler warnings are needed for already aired episodes. If we can't talk about what's aired, what can we talk about.
Considering the point of these threads is to discuss the show, I don't think spoiler tags or even spoiler warnings are needed for already aired episodes. If we can't talk about what's aired, what can we talk about.

I disagree. Only because the beginning of the most recent post shows up when browsing threads from the satguys app (without opening the thread). So if it's a major plot point, a spoiler tag would not be remiss, and probably appreciated by some like myself who don't watch everything right after it airs.
Don't even know how to make a "Spoiler" ...

I just avoid the thread till I've watched it, why should I get upset for others discussing a show that I haven't had time to watch ...

When you watch the show, you want to come in and discuss the show with others while its fresh in your mind.
It's ridiculous. The show is spoiled already if you watch the "what's coming next week" portion of the show at the end. Especially when there's a cliff-hanger of some sort in the present episode where the "hero" is sure to be killed, and then they show a scene in the "next week" where they are still alive as if nothing ever happened.

Personally, when I am at least partially spoiled it enhances the episode for me when I finally watch it as things are pointed out that happened that I might have overlooked myself.
How are we supposed to discuss a show if we can't talk about what happened?

If you haven't watched the latest episode, then stay out of the tread. If the app you use spoils things, then tweek the settings or don't use the app. Simple as that. Just because someone isn't caught up, doesn't mean the rest of us should not be able to use the threads for their intended purpose.
It's ridiculous. The show is spoiled already if you watch the "what's coming next week" portion of the show at the end. Especially when there's a cliff-hanger of some sort in the present episode where the "hero" is sure to be killed, and then they show a scene in the "next week" where they are still alive as if nothing ever happened.
Yeah, that's pretty annoying, I've stopped watching at the end of the main show because of that.
Apparently the ratings aren't so good for Revolution in its new time slot. A ray of hope may be that Ironside is doing worse,& unless NBC has a pathological fear of success,if they cancel Ironside,they could move Revolution into its timeslot.
A lot of great lines in this latest episode by Aaron, Miles and even Charlie had a good line. Aaron's telling the kids the "Ghostbusters" story was amusing, but his "I'm a bit dehydrated and hungry for brains" busted me up. :)

Charlie nailed what Monroe was going to do (escape)...the guy should've listened to her. Miles getting his hand hammered by that psycho was a bummer. And what's with all the thousands of dead rats???
To me this season feels like a bit of a let down after the build up of the hot nukes heading for Atlanta and Philadelphia and turning the lights back on the season ender. What's with the secretary representing the United States Government? Is she for real or not? I mean we saw that the president ,left over from 15 years before, was hiding in Cuba and he flew back to D.C. in the few minutes of time that the lights were back on, before the helicopter crashed outside the ivy covered white house( RIGHT!), or did he use an 18 century clipper ship like we saw in the Georgia federation refugee camp, out side of what is left of a nucked Atlanta? As for the whole "lord of the flies " thing with this new guy and the torture of people etc, I am totally turned off to these type of stories. I hate Mad Max like scenarios after armageddon has hit the world complete with fight clubs, torture , etc ,etc, etc.
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This season appears to be a bit of a reset that I wouldn't judge yet based on two episodes.

The first season was telling how this reality worked. How they got to that point and who each person was. Lots of flashbacks, mysteries and a goal - turn the power back on.

This season, as we just found out, something happened in trying to turn the power back off, the nukes went off and, for some reason, the power went back off. We'll get answers as the season plays out.

The 8pm time slot is a terrible place for this show. The themes, plot, characters and events are all wrong for the 8pm demographic...
Next Episode: Season 2, Episode 3

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Love Story": Rachel tries to rescue Miles and to escape with a sick tribesman's wife; violent refugees assault Neville and Jason; Charlie and Adam can't agree on what to do with Monroe; tribesmen threaten Willoughby.

This season, as we just found out, something happened in trying to turn the power back off, the nukes went off and, for some reason, the power went back off. We'll get answers as the season plays out.
I didn't think there's any question as to "something happened in trying to turn" the power off. Aaron succeeded, just not quick enough to "turn off" the nuclear missles.
This season appears to be a bit of a reset that I wouldn't judge yet based on two episodes.

The first season was telling how this reality worked. How they got to that point and who each person was. Lots of flashbacks, mysteries and a goal - turn the power back on.

This season, as we just found out, something happened in trying to turn the power back off, the nukes went off and, for some reason, the power went back off. We'll get answers as the season plays out.

The 8pm time slot is a terrible place for this show. The themes, plot, characters and events are all wrong for the 8pm demographic...

I agree with everything you said here.

However, I too am tired of all the constant torture ... I know it's the premise of the show considering the circumstances, but the same things are happening time after time, the main people get caught and then get freed, then get caught and then freed, I like the story line for Aaron, let hear more about how things work and why and lets move towards fixing things if possible, not strictly killing one another.
I don't think any of that will happen till there is some control of government.
I didn't think there's any question as to "something happened in trying to turn" the power off. Aaron succeeded, just not quick enough to "turn off" the nuclear missles.

I don't think Aaron succeeded, or if he did, he did a little more than just turning the power off.

There are wack-jobs in every alternate reality movie/ just doesn't belong at 8pm...
Can we drop all the talk about what we can talk about or how to talk about it in this thread ? And yes, I know I just added more to it....

If someone doesn't know to NOT visit a thread that talks about a show before they've watched the latest episodes, maybe this new-fangled "www" thing is too difficult for them.