I have never been able to record via the timer. I have tried about everything I can think of. I set the timer, but the unit never seems to record. I can hit record manually and it does record that way, but not via the timer.
I have the clock set on local time. The European version 14-4-20 for date. That takes a bit to be used to. I set the DVR on FAT32. I am using a 64GB thumb drive. I am confused as what does REC& TMS or Timeshift mean? I set it on Record. Is that correct? Then to PVR setting I have Timeshift off, Timeshift to Record off and PS Record on. Is that correct? The timer setting is Daily Decades 17.04 0759 0901 OK . When I hit OK, the screen shows Timer Mode daily, Recording On, Wakeup channel Decades, Wakeup Date 17.04.20
Wake up time 0759 Duration 0901. PS Record Yes. Save.
Is this correct? Any help would be appreciated. The manual is little help. Thanks.