I have not watched the show since the Christmas break. I am letting the episodes collect up so I can watch them all in a row. I saw how many gaps were coming up and decided to just wait to watch them all. I may have to watch the first half of the season again to remember everything. The last episode I watched was the birthday party episode.
Okay, this cannot be a new episode since the ABC promos last months said new shows would be airing on 18 April, and it's not a new show accoring to IMDb.com, however it's being recorded by my Tivo which shows an original air-date of 11 April. I wonder if they've thrown together a collection of segments from this season? Anyway, as I've said before, as much as I love this show it's impossible to follow since it disappears from the airwaves every few weeks.
tigerprowler said:I have missed this show so much. Enjoying the recap.
Good episode.....but new character? leading to more questions??
And why did she say "This is for Jack", when she was beating up that guy? He just set up Daniel, right? not Jack.
Great episode.