Yeah, I was surprised when I saw that someone had gotten into Emily's stash and left her a note. Initially I though it may have been Amada Clarke (as played by the real Emily Thorne), but that doesn't make any sense. I'm stumped! The only possibility that I can come up with is Lydia Davis since leaving the note is a woman's touch.
At first I liked Nolan because he was onboard Team Revenge...and he had that instigator/protagonist quality about him. However, after he sucked-face with that scumbag Tyler "I'm off my Meds" Barrol and because the "voice of reason" (voice of treason?)...well, I'm getting sick of him. Oh, and let's not forget that he played that tape for Jack instead of erasing it. I can see Nolan becoming a nuisance and getting in the way of Emily's plan. If so, Emily will have no choice but to throw him under the bus.
You know, I thought of that possibility during the first couple shows but it just doesn't seem very likely nowadays. However, his return from the dead would certainly be a shocker!
Hmmm...what about Tyler? Perhaps he came back to town and got into Emily's bag of tricks. I would not be surprised.