Retrofit My Radioshack Dish Onto My KTI Mount

Hi All,

I took another look at my Radio Shack mount yesterday.
After also looking at rodrigocn's RS dish restoration, I'm thinking I may be able to use part of the RS mount by separating the hub from the actual mount and attaching it to the KTI mount....see arrows.
Something to ponder as its raining now.


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Sounds like a plan. :) Looks good from here. You might have to use some spacers but it could be simple. Drill a few holes and bolt it together. :)
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Sure would make the dish assembly go faster and be more secure.
At least that part of my Radio Shack mount is salvageable.
Keeping fingers crossed.

Hi All,

Been stuck inside today unable to start the disassembly of my KTI dish due to rain.
Was studying the picture of the restored RS "hub" that rodrigocn did.
I was thinking I could cut across (see picture) on both sides of it with a dremel and get rid of the excess metal I don't need.
Hopefully mine will look as good as his when I restore it.

When I modded the c-band polar mount for my 1.2m Ku dish I went to Harbor freight and picked up a cutoff tool for $19 for the job. I've used it on other stuff, glad I got it.
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Mike and Magic,

Thanks for the responses.
I don't think the local hardware stores in my area would be willing to do the cutting for me with a power hacksaw...they might want to sell me one though. ;)
As for the cutoff tool, that was another option I was considering if the dremel couldn't cut it (yes that pun was intentional).
The sun is out today so hopefully I can make some progress. Will keep you updated.
Thanks again.

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Go down to your local Harbor Freight,or wherever,and get a cheap 4 1/2 inch angle grinder(everybody should own one;)).You don't have to cut all the way through,just make a score line about half way through all the way across.Then with pliers or whatever,grab the tab and start flexing til it breaks off.Then you can go back with the grinder to make it pretty .
You can do it with the Dremel but it'll take a lot longer.Not to mention how many of those little wheels you're going to burn up. :biggrin
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Thanks for responding
I think I might have to cough up $15.00 and buy that 4.5 in angle grinder you suggested..
The dremel is cutting but SLOW.
Any specific blade you recommend ?


Thanks for responding
I think I might have to cough up $15.00 and buy that 4.5 in angle grinder you suggested..
The dremel is cutting but SLOW.
Any specific blade you recommend ?


Let me WARN you doing it this way! Wear eye goggles, AND a full shield facemask. Along with jeans, and a shirt that has full arm coverage. Those wheels can break, and goggles with a face shield MIGHT save your life, or your vision. I got magnesium burns on the back of my right hand some years back, doing nearly the same on my sat system. So watch the sparks also...
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Thanks for the safety advice.
Using the dremel this morning I was wearing safety gloves and eye protection.
I will add jeans and a long sleeve shirt (boy I am gonna be hot with that get up) before using the angle grinder which I will be picking up this evening at Harbor Freight.


I actually bought a pack of thinner wheels on the recommendation of staff at Harbor Freight.
I have the ear protection also.
Thanks for the heads up.

Hi All,

Success with step one...see pic.
I was able to cut unneeded metal from both sides of the RS hub.
All fingers and toes accounted for. ;)
Now the clean up and repaint begins.
Thanks again to those who chimed in with helpful suggestions.


RS dish hub.jpg
Hi All,

Today I thoroughly sanded and painted my Radio Shack hub.
It doesn't look as good as rodrigocn's finished product due to pitting of the metal, but its a lot better off now.
I painted bare and surface rusted areas with Rustoleum Rust Reformer paint...great stuff. I used it when I repainted my dish tripod and its still rust free 3 years later. I then sprayed three coats of Rustoleum gloss black, which shows the surface imperfections, but still looks great overall.
I will also paint the mount the same way as soon as I get the dish off the mount. The dish is hanging on by one stubborn bolt which is soaking overnight with PB Blaster.


That's one reason I kept my RS dish even after I started using the KTI.
At the time it was easier for me to assemble and mount the KTI 20 feet up than it was the RS dish.
However, remembering how well the RS worked, I knew i would be using it again some day.

Hi All,

Just an update.
Work progressing as time allows. The mount has been sprayed with Rustoleum Rust Reformer after being thoroughly sanded.
Hopefully tomorrow I can spray the finish coat which will be Rustoleum gloss black.

