Cable companies do not charge for HD (well they charge more for HD boxes vs SD ones). All these fees are just a way to make the advertised monthly charge look low, and make up with it with back end fees.
Mike, if we're talking about Comcast cable, they most certainly DO charge ($10) for HD; matter of fact, it IS even called the "HD technology fee"!
And matter of fact, Comcast is now even handing out HD boxes, to NON-HD subs; but for those subs, all the HD channels are disabled. If you choose the pay the HD fee, then they are re-enabled.
And, U-verse ALSO charges $10 specifically for "HD technology"...even though ALL of their boxes they hand out, are always HD capable; same deal on disabling the HD channels. They are treating HD EXACTLY the same as (now both) sat companies do.
In both cases, you can get the HD fee waived with certain programming pkgs &/or bundles - but regardless, it IS specifically an "HD fee", & is even printed on bills as such.
So bottom my area, ALL 4 of the available TV providers now have a BS HD fee...
Here in Minneapolis they do charge for HD....sort of. They use the Dish theory and make it a "fee"
you get a digital box for free on the 1st TV.....want to upgrade to HD? yup $10 for that box
after the 1st they are the same regardless if HD or SD..unless you get the "neutered" DTA box that has no guide and a RF out on it
If this is Comcast, they DO now have HD-DTA's, that are the same price as the SD-DTA's...& again, they are starting to hand these out to even non-HD subs. And just like on the full-size boxes, if you don't pay the HD fee, all the HD channels are disabled.