Retailer Chat News

Mark Sorensen said:
A few quick thoughts on SuperDISH…

- At this point, other than a some local channel areas, nobody is "missing" anything because they don't have "SuperDISH"

Are you sure that's true? Wasn't HDPPV (and perhaps the demo channel) dropped from 61.5 do to transponders given up to Zoom?

148 is probably a little tuff for East coasters.

I'm sure things don't just drop off immediately at a state line, but that's probably the easiest way to identify what areas are not servicable.
I live in Florida and the counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa can recieve the signal from Superdish. The rest of Florida cannot. I am sure that Michigan is similar.

CBS HD is not Free. You must subscribe to the distant networks to receive CBS HD.

The HD demo channel is still on 61.5.
i'm going to keep my dish 500 and point it at 61.5 when my super dish gets here.

CBS HD you can only get that if your in about 12 markets that cbs owns the station .
oops! Your right is not free, but there's extra charge for the CBS HD channel if you subscribe to a network package (local/distant networks) and live in the markets that qualify for it. Getting back to on topic: According to that map looks like I'm just outside of a SUPERDISH area so, I may just to be happy with what I got.

jerryez said:
I live in Florida and the counties of Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa can recieve the signal from Superdish. The rest of Florida cannot. I am sure that Michigan is similar.

Wouldn't it follow in looking at the map that perhaps the signal would 'leak' down to Leon County (Tallahassee) also? I live only 8 miles from the GA border.

I wonder if they used the hard borders to help the CSRs... 'If somebody calls from XYZ, just say no'.
Based on this info I look for dish to add any new HD on 110 and put locals on locals on 105 until the new satellite is ready and works nationwide. I just don't see how dish can use HD on 105 without it begin nationwide. I know they said no more HD on 110, but it seems to me things have chanced.

Wouldn't you've liked to be on the call that Dish made to AMC ( or whatever owns the sat at 105). "You said it would work nationwide!!"
The problem is Dish KNEW for a long time the footprint of that satellite and what kind of Dish Requirements were needed to roll these services out nationally.

Why did they wait till yesterday to say that many areas will not be able to use the SuperDISH?
I just don't see why DISH can't put a bird at 101 to compete with DirecTV there, or put one at 128, so that you would have the triple DBS satellite setup that DirecTV has now.
Perhaps they will need to fine tune the areas that they have on the map that can or cannot accept a SuperDish signal as the product rolls out. Wouldn't it be a shame if you lived on the border of where you could get a signal and was not allowed to have the SuperDish installed because it indicated on the map that you could not get a signal? Wouldn't a larger SuperDish be able to receive the signal needed?
Scott Greczkowski said:
721 will be phased out next year, and will be replaced by the 522 (Although the retail 522 may be called the 532)

The 721 will no longer be available after the 2nd quarter of next year.

If the retail version of the 522 gets re-named the 532, does this indicate a larger HD early next year, perhaps 160G or 200G?
Based upon the comments that I heard....My impression is that the 522 & 532 could be the same piece of hardware.

But the 522 would come configured as a two separate room solution. Where the 532 would come configured as a two tuner DVR (a la 721).
FWIW, there's someone on AVSForums that lives in Oregon, where reception with Superdish is suppsedly not possible. He's using a Primestar dish for 105 (a la "poor man's Superdish"), and gets a solid 64 signal reading rain or shine. He says alignment was tricky, however ('not surprising).

This isn't supposed to be an issue until when/if Dish rolls out an HD channel that isn't already available on 110 or 61.5/148.

However, I want to add a 921 as a second receiver, which counts as three receivers total (2 tuners in 921). But I currently have a Dish 500 with a legacy Twin, and a Dish 300 with a legacy Dual for 61.5, going through a SW21.

If I got a Superdish with a DP34, I would just need to get the DP adapter for the 6000, and be done. But with the current 500/300 2-dish setup, I need to replace the Twin on the 500 with 2 Duals, and get a SW64. Not cheap. This new hardware would become obsolete when it became a requirement to move to 105 due to new programming only available there. An expensive waste to throw out the legacy equipment only recently purchased.
Could be that the geometry of the superdish won't let the superdish get an acceptable signal on the 110-119 sats when lined up for the 105 sat.
If the 532 would be like a 721 then it should not be called a 532 since the last digit, the 2, would indicate the number tv outputs the receiver would have. (5)<3>[2]The first number (5) indicates the model number. The second number <3> indicates the number of tuners. The third number [2] indicates the number of tv outputs the receiver would have available for independent television viewing. This is the way they usually have the receiver model numbers setup but it is not this way for the 501, 508, 510 receivers.
SlicerMDM said:
Why's that? DirecTV 7s launches Q1 2004. By shifting some locals to this new sat they could easily make room for additional HD content by spring.

They could, but will they? I'm not up to speed on where D* is with locals but it seems that they have the same urgency to add DMAs that DISH does. They haven't shown great interest in directly courting rural areas, leaving that to Pegasus, but IMHO they're also more interested in adding a DMA than they are in adding Starz HD. Personally, I hope they add a ton of HD because that's more pressure on DISH to carve out more space on 110 or 61.5. I just don't think it will happen.

--- WCS
Chris Freeland said:
Scott Greczkowski said:
721 will be phased out next year, and will be replaced by the 522 (Although the retail 522 may be called the 532)

The 721 will no longer be available after the 2nd quarter of next year.

If the retail version of the 522 gets re-named the 532, does this indicate a larger HD early next year, perhaps 160G or 200G?

It was a report over there - only one model of hard drive approved for DP522 - Maxtor 4R120L0. Look likes the new DVR will have same 137 GB barrier as DVR510 or PVR721. :(
Interesting, all the models share same model of disk.
If that is the case then those customers could still have a SuperDish put up while keeping their existing Dish 500 dish where it is at or a special SuperDish made for those customers. Having both the SuperDish and a Dish 500 seems the most economical in those areas.

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