Recording Sports


New Member
Original poster
Nov 14, 2009
Bloomington, IN
How are you all recording sports on the 722? On my Tivo, I was able to record a team's season using the WishList. If I was recording Indiana Basketball, the search terms would be: Indiana at, Basketball. The "Indiana at" was treated with the boolean "and" between them. The "at" prevented shows about Indiana Basketball from recording, of course, because every game will always have the two team names, and the word "at". The "basketball" was the category chosen for the wishlist.

Anyway - when doing a search, I can choose the "theme" on Dish, but I cannot seem to add "themes" when doing a DishPASS. Plus, whenever I put "Indiana at" it is not treating this like individual words, but like a string. will only record away games. I would have to set up a completely separate PASS, with the terms "at Indiana" for home games.

What do you all do to record games? Full disclosure that I've been a Tivo user and beta tester for almost 6 years before I moved out of the cable coverage area, so I had no choice but to pack up my beloved Tivo. So - its hard for me to see past the shortcomings of the 722, but hopefully, I just don't yet know what I'm doing! But, I'm afraid what I'm going to have to do is record each manually - to me that just isn't an option! When you hate missing a single game, and forget to record one of them, that is a real pain.
I had TIVO a long time ago and I agree, it was a much better system for this kind of stuff. I have tried setting up all sorts of timers but I can never get it to work all of the time so I have just defaulted to scheduling everything manually for my favorite sports teams.
Anyway - when doing a search, I can choose the "theme" on Dish, but I cannot seem to add "themes" when doing a DishPASS. Plus, whenever I put "Indiana at" it is not treating this like individual words, but like a string. will only record away games. I would have to set up a completely separate PASS, with the terms "at Indiana" for home games.

To me this seems like the best solution with the tools available, and it doesn't seem like it will take all that long to accomplish. In fact, I'll probably start doing that for my favorite teams as well.
As a former tivo user, you're pretty much SOL. You'll spend the same amount of time setting up recordings whether you do it manually each week or babysitting various dishpass or timers. I've tried without luck to figure a way to set a timer or dishpass and never have to mess with it to record my Los Angeles Kings, but I've struck out. I either end up with a ton of missed recordings or a ton of extra recordings. I severly miss the wishlists that tivo has. I set up my wishlist for sports, hockey, live events, los angeles kings in October of 2003 and between a move from cable to satellite and a move from one city to another till I had to give my tivo for all HD tv's a year ago I had exactly 3 missed recordings; and 2 of those were because the tivo tried to record on a channel that it was blacked out on.
All that being said, I wouldn't go back to tivo, as it would mean either SD tv or worse, Time Warner cable. The 722 is a darn good DVR and overall functionality is on par with tivo. One other thing if you're used to tivo --- the 722 doesn't continue to record to the live tv buffer when you are watching a previously recorded program. I can't tell you the number of times I would finish watching a recording, drop to live tv, find the program that was on interesting, attempt to skip back to the beginning, only to to find out that it started the live tv buffer when I started watching.
Anyways, good luck ... if anyone comes up with a foolproof way to record sporting events, you're my hero!

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