Yep, so that would be two satellite tuners. I know several members here have been waiting for that functionality for awhile.I believe it does. I saw a tech post that a check switch showed 2 tuners

Yep, so that would be two satellite tuners. I know several members here have been waiting for that functionality for awhile.I believe it does. I saw a tech post that a check switch showed 2 tuners
Mine is showing U485 12/13/2017, 7:40PMWhat is the latest software version for the 4KJ?
Mine is showing U485 12/13/2017, 7:40PM
I'm still seeing OTA breaking up through the single tuner OTA USB Dongle.![]()
Mine is showing U485 12/13/2017, 7:40PM
I'm still seeing OTA breaking up through the single tuner OTA USB Dongle.![]()
Same here macro blocking and pixellation on OTA channels with single tuner OTA adapter.I also have breakups on my Joey 2 watching OTA channels from my single USB tuner.
So they finally enabled two sat tuners on the Wally? Now they just need to enable two ota tuners on the dongle and you would have a replacement for the 722k receiver - as long as you enable dvr software for the Wally and add your own external hard drive. This could become the hopper lite receiver.Yep, so that would be two satellite tuners. I know several members here have been waiting for that functionality for awhile.![]()
So they finally enabled two sat tuners on the Wally? Now they just need to enable two ota tuners on the dongle and you would have a replacement for the 722k receiver - as long as you enable dvr software for the Wally and add your own external hard drive. This could become the hopper lite receiver.
They did that, too. I have known that this was coming for awhile, but I couldn't say anything until it was available to the general public.So they finally enabled two sat tuners on the Wally? Now they just need to enable two ota tuners on the dongle...
I have been hinting at that possibility for awhile, too. I have no idea if that is what Dish is actually planning, but it would make sense....and you would have a replacement for the 722k receiver - as long as you enable dvr software for the Wally and add your own external hard drive. This could become the hopper lite receiver.
The other possibility that I thought of is that Dish could sell the Wally, the external hard drive, and the one-time DVR activation fee, bundled together at a discount, and call that bundle the Hopper Lite. So, you could buy it all bundled together at the same time directly from Dish, or you could buy the components separately, but either way you would have the same functionality.Definitely make sense if they do a hopper lite using the Wally and your own external hard drive. Then they could sell this as a cheaper alternative to subs who don't want to pay the $15.00 Dvr fee.
Well, I guess the other possibility would be to find a way to network a Wally and a Joey, and use that as a replacement for the ViP222. Or at least add PIP to the Wally. Otherwise, it seems silly to have two satellite tuners if you are not using them to record to an EHD.I think that target market doesn't want to fool with EHD s.
Well, I guess the other possibility would be to find a way to network a Wally and a Joey, and use that as a replacement for the ViP222. Or at least add PIP to the Wally. Otherwise, it seems silly to have two satellite tuners if you are not using them to record to an EHD.
Well, I read recently that Dish will be sending out refurbished ViP722k's, with the DVR functionality disabled, as replacements when a 322 or ViP222 dies. I wonder if Dish will leave the hard drive in place, and simply start charging the DVR fee if these subscribers later decide that they want DVR functionality and call Dish to activate it.I think the Hopper Lite should have an internal HD. Maybe they could charge extra to activate it, but I doubt that's a good idea.
My first guess was that they would disable the DVR functionality by completely removing the hard drive. But in that case, it might make it too easy for users to "hack" them by simply opening them up and installing a compatible internal drive, to get DVR functionality for free.That will be very interesting to see. It might be a test of the concept.
But any HDD in an old ViP will be OLD. Can't be too reliable, especially if it sits for months or years without spinning. Maybe they could combat that by spinning it up for a minute every time it's switched "on."
Perhaps it was there before, but on U506 there is a preview window even on menu windows, not just on the Guide Window.
Same with U284 on the Joey 2.0.
BTY, when I came into my office this am the SAT light was stuck on on the 54 remote. No stuck buttons, no response from any buttons on the remote.
Had to remove the batteries to get it to go out, seems normal now.
I agree, even though I'm the one who started the off-topic conversation. Perhaps report the off-topic posts to a moderator so they can be moved to a new thread.C'mon guys, if you want to talk about other receivers and hard drives, etc., please start another thread. In this thread I'm interested in issues with U506 on a Hopper 3.