RAnT! I cant really tell huge differance with HD over SD with Voom

cyuhnke said:
Thanks for your opinions guys. To make a point on topic so I'm not smoted by a moderator, HD looks much better than SD. No such thing as a good 4:3 HDTV. BTW, the whole "Stay on Topic" thing always reminds me of that guy in Star Wars who kept repeating "Stay on Target" but got blown up after missing the point (target) the whole mission was focused on.

I am standing here with a nieghbor tv tech who is now laughing at your post.
He said with the exception of losing some of your picture he would challenge you to come into his store and put any non-plasma flat panel monitor in 16.9 up against there top 4.3 monitors and show him a differance in Pq quality.
He says 4.3 is actually better if you are going to watch SD and HD unless you want to come buy a overpriced plasma ( his store is way high priced and at least he is honest) from him there is no better then the Sony 4.3 or 16.9 HD xbr's or Toshiba flat Hd monitors.
His opionion.
I dont know enough to add to it.
Just having fun learning and sharing help.
by neighbor Jeff from Magnolia HiFi and Video here in Wa, Is saying I am nuts.
He is watching worldsport and loves the HD picture and scanned thru exclusive and said I am nuts if I dont think :D the ones shot with a HD camera are not smokin.

But he does agree that BravoHD and TNTHD dont look special. He wonders if they are truelly showing TrueHD. I dont know what that meens

Still say Comcast HD here was better.
iceshark said:
I am standing here with a nieghbor tv tech who is now laughing at your post.
He said with the exception of losing some of your picture he would challenge you to come into his store and put any non-plasma flat panel monitor in 16.9 up against there top 4.3 monitors and show him a differance in Pq quality.
He says 4.3 is actually better if you are going to watch SD and HD unless you want to come buy a overpriced plasma ( his store is way high priced and at least he is honest) from him there is no better then the Sony 4.3 or 16.9 HD xbr's or Toshiba flat Hd monitors.
His opionion.
I dont know enough to add to it.
Just having fun learning and sharing help.

I actually just threw that in there as a way to stay on topic. I'm sure Sony makes an outstanding display. For me personaly, I couldn't stand cutting off any part of my screen when watching HD programming. My display suffers when watching SD, but PQ isn't something I care much about when watching SD. That's just my preference. So you see, for me, there is no such thing as a good 4:3 HDTV.
cyuhnke said:
I actually just threw that in there as a way to stay on topic. I'm sure Sony makes an outstanding display. For me personaly, I couldn't stand cutting off any part of my screen when watching HD programming. My display suffers when watching SD, but PQ isn't something I care much about when watching SD. That's just my preference. So you see, for me, there is no such thing as a good 4:3 HDTV.

That makes total sense. You add alot of good information to this forum.
It is appriciated.

Gota go catch something on Monster channel.

No more mention of your trip to look at plasmas!

iceshark wrote: (Told my wife just now I off too look at 42 inch plasmas to fix my need for HD SPPEEEDDD!!)

Just wanna see you happy man!
iceshark said:
I switch between NBC Leno in SD on Dish and HD On voom and dont see much differance.
Ok. Leno on VOOM comes OTA. So, what you are saying is that even for OTA channels you don't see much difference between SD and HD...

Well, just one more shot at this (perhaps my last one...) Let's look at how we compare HD channels to SD equivalents. Let's say, I am switching between HBOHD (ch.201) and HBO SD (ch.203). Say, 201 is showing a true HD movie in 16:9 aspect ratio and 203 is showing the same movie but cropped to 4:3 and in SD resolution. On my wide-screen TV both pictures will have the same height and all objects (e.g. human faces) will have exact same size, but on HD channel I will be able to see more (facial) details, than on the SD channel. Now, in your case of a 4:3 TV (the way I understand it) the HD version will be shown letter-boxed and as a result all objects (like human faces) will be smaller on HD channel than they are on SD channel. So, even if the HD version does have higher resolution, it will be more difficult for you to see the details, simply because the are smaller in your case. Does this all make sense?

I don't know what others think, but my conclusion is that you don't see much difference between HD and SD primarily because the screen is not very big (around 33" for 16:9 programs), and because HD objects look smaller on your 4:3 screen compared to SD equivalents, and maybe because Sony does such a good job with SD programs. And the reason why you noticed bigger difference with Comcast could be simply because Comcast had over-compressed SD channels that looked really bad...

I wouldn't worry about this too much. Enjoy your VOOM!
(And next time, consider a wide-screen TV ;) )
one way too look at it.

if you are getting a awseome picture in sd and can not tell between the two,then don't worry be happy!if my sd looked like the hd i would be jumpin for joy.one ? why buy into a technology, and only go half way? 16x9 4x3?i know they sell them, i think it is for old timers that might not get the 16x9 screen.jmo
First, has the set been calibrated, including all inputs?
Each input will have different settings OOTB.
How does convergence look? Has it been checked?
What cables are you using?...are they cheapos?

All you really have to do is look around this site at all the happy voomers with great PQ and that should be enough to convince you that there's something wrong with your particular experience...just a matter of finding out what it is.

iceshark said:
He said with the exception of losing some of your picture he would challenge you to come into his store and put any non-plasma flat panel monitor in 16.9 up against there top 4.3 monitors and show him a difference in Pq quality.
He says 4.3 is actually better if you are going to watch SD and HD unless you want to come buy a overpriced plasma

Therein lies the problem with 4*3 sets. Missing part of the picture and the fact that your average Joe or Jane just can't understand why the picture doesn't fill the screen. The same truth holds true with 4*3 broadcasts being shown on a 16*9 screens and why manufacturers have gone to lengths improving 'stretch' modes to accomodate this.

His comment about HD ready CRT tube TV's having excellent picture quality is the truth. They still can't be touched when it comes to reproducing absolute black levels. Actually, nothing can touch them at this point. The color, fidelity and contrast is outstanding...but, folks no longer really want these behemoths anymore for the most part.

As for plasmas being lumped as 'overpriced'....thats slowly becoming a misconception.
Ilya said:
Ok. Leno on VOOM comes OTA. So, what you are saying is that even for OTA channels you don't see much difference between SD and HD...
I dont know whether to say "busted" or just ignorant. LMAO

Ilya said:
So, even if the HD version does have higher resolution, it will be more difficult for you to see the details, simply because the are smaller in your case. Does this all make sense?
Yes it is absolutely right, and it is also THE hurdle for getting a widescreen into Joesixpack's house. Lets face it, Our big widescreen TV's need HD. SD just doesnt cut it. Without big widescreen Tv's in average viewers homes this HD movement may die.
Mr. Biggles said:
As for plasmas being lumped as 'overpriced'....thats slowly becoming a misconception.
I would sooner wipe my A$$ with hundred dollar bills than waste my money on PLasma. I own a HD RPTV but from what Ive seen The DLP sets, IMHO should be the Plasma killer. The great picture, the price, 1/2 of hd plasma is the way to go if you have the money.
vurbano said:
I would sooner wipe my A$$ with hundred dollar bills than waste my money on PLasma. I own a HD RPTV but from what Ive seen The DLP sets, IMHO should be the Plasma killer. The great picture, the price, 1/2 of hd plasma is the way to go if you have the money.

I have a DLP projector and love it BTW.

:D Would you still be wiping your ass with $100 dollar bills if dlp and plasma were similarly priced? Or would you at least compare the two and make a decision based on picture quality?
I guess you lucky DLP owners don't suffer from the rainbow effect. I do, and I had to replace my Sammy DLP with a Panny plasma. Plus, SD on the DLP was visibly worse than on my Panny. Not that I watch SD much anymore...
The difference between theory and practice is greater in practice than in theory...

If only the theory of LCoS could become a reality. Then we'd all have cheaper sets, higher quality, flat panel, longer life, and a cure for cancer.

I'll never go plasma or CRT-based RPTV b/c I play video games. If I spent 5k on a set and fried my screen a few months later I'd have to kill myself :)
When I get up from in front my amazing picture on my Fujitsu plasma, I wipe w/ TP.

I spent the 100 dollars bills on the TV instead. Man, am I glad I did! LOL

Voom, baby!
Lobstah said:
First, has the set been calibrated, including all inputs?
Each input will have different settings OOTB.
How does convergence look? Has it been checked?
What cables are you using?...are they cheapos?

All you really have to do is look around this site at all the happy voomers with great PQ and that should be enough to convince you that there's something wrong with your particular experience...just a matter of finding out what it is.


1. as good as this XBR is I dont see any seperate way to set up inputs.
Whatever I fine tune picture at is same for all inputs. Unless I am missing something.
2.Convergence is fine.
3.Component cables are monster(best pic is on these)
DVI is basic one came with VoOm kit. (dont want to spend 100 bucks if no need as read on this forum)

THank you for your help.
Mr. Biggles said:
Therein lies the problem with 4*3 sets. Missing part of the picture and the fact that your average Joe or Jane just can't understand why the picture doesn't fill the screen. The same truth holds true with 4*3 broadcasts being shown on a 16*9 screens and why manufacturers have gone to lengths improving 'stretch' modes to accomodate this.

His comment about HD ready CRT tube TV's having excellent picture quality is the truth. They still can't be touched when it comes to reproducing absolute black levels. Actually, nothing can touch them at this point. The color, fidelity and contrast is outstanding...but, folks no longer really want these behemoths anymore for the most part.

As for plasmas being lumped as 'overpriced'....thats slowly becoming a


Beleive me I am very apprieciative of all the help.
I will put my Sony downstairs when I buy my 42inch Plasma sometime in the next week.(wife pissed but says its the last tv for awhile if I buy)
I still am alittle confused on one point.
Jeff ((tech friend) says that I dont loose any of my picture when I play letterbox on my 4.3tv. He says that it is 16.9 true on any set played on. He said the only thing different with new 16.9 letterbox monitors is that is more asteticly pleasing becuase you dont deal with the big black bars. But if you put a 4.3 next to sonys new 16.9 36 inch montitor you would not be cropped or stretched and would be seeing the same picture on both. With exception of black bars on 16.9 set.

Sometimes I think he is full of Bull and maybe sorry he recomended this tv to me to buy last year. Is that correct?

Anyway watched Dawn of dead on Monster and it did look sharper on Component then with RCa jacks.

VOom Rocks.
vurbano said:
I dont know whether to say "busted" or just ignorant. LMAO

First of all you come accross as very arogant and not knowing what you are talking about with your arrogance.
What I said was that YES there is not a big differance with Leno in HD on OFA vs. leno in SD on OFA on VOom STB. That makes sense becuase my SOnys Crt pic in SD is already Awesome. Probably noticed it vs Comcast becuase SD in comcast was more grainy and washed out. Thanks for the help from others we have come to that conclusion.

Yes it is absolutely right, and it is also THE hurdle for getting a widescreen into Joesixpack's house. Lets face it, Our big widescreen TV's need HD. SD just doesnt cut it. Without big widescreen Tv's in average viewers homes this HD movement may die.

The biggest and best selling tubes are now in fact 16.9 Sony and Toshiba.
So part of what you are saying there is true. However the size of those sets is 30-34 inches HD. So Bigger is better- Well does not show in Total US sales and from any HD forum I read. It is pure matter of preferance.
Also Any Idiot knows that smaller is going to be more defined because of lines of resolution are more showing at larger crt sizes.

That said also the number one selling Plasmas are 42inch and under. Yes I know that is alot becuase of price constraints but also the fact is that you get no better picture with a 90 inch plasma then a 42 inch.

If someone was to believe your hype it would sound like the bull your shooting is you have to use a bigger screen to enjoy the wonders of HD.

Your full of CRAP!

You sound like a dealer trying to sell expensive tvs under that premise.

I am very apprciative of all the help of 99% of this forum. Just like all the help I give referance installs and cband from owning a shop.

You just sound like a bitter person with one point of view.

Thanks for the help all.
I have conculded the following.
1. Sony set is awesome as reviewed and is working fine. I am being to cruicial on what I am looking for.
2. VoOms PQ is OK but still improving and certain channels are better then others.
3.I am going to buy a 42inch Plasma
4.There are alot of very helpful people and a couple punks.
Thank you all.
iceshark said:
The biggest and best selling tubes are now in fact 16.9 Sony and Toshiba.
So part of what you are saying there is true. However the size of those sets is 30-34 inches HD. So Bigger is better- Well does not show in Total US sales and from any HD forum I read. It is pure matter of preferance.
Also Any Idiot knows that smaller is going to be more defined because of lines of resolution are more showing at larger crt sizes.

That said also the number one selling Plasmas are 42inch and under. Yes I know that is alot becuase of price constraints but also the fact is that you get no better picture with a 90 inch plasma then a 42 inch.

If someone was to believe your hype it would sound like the bull your shooting is you have to use a bigger screen to enjoy the wonders of HD.

Your full of CRAP!

You sound like a dealer trying to sell expensive tvs under that premise.

I am very apprciative of all the help of 99% of this forum. Just like all the help I give referance installs and cband from owning a shop.

You just sound like a bitter person with one point of view.

Thanks for the help all.
I have conculded the following.
1. Sony set is awesome as reviewed and is working fine. I am being to cruicial on what I am looking for.
2. VoOms PQ is OK but still improving and certain channels are better then others.
3.I am going to buy a 42inch Plasma
4.There are alot of very helpful people and a couple punks.
Thank you all.
Welcome to the wisdom that is Vurbano-tadaaaaaa-LMAO
Seawaves said:
When I get up from in front my amazing picture on my Fujitsu plasma, I wipe w/ TP.

I spent the 100 dollars bills on the TV instead. Man, am I glad I did! LOL

Voom, baby!

Laker guy, Thanks for all the help.
I definatly like that Plasma 42 inch . Going to buy one very very soon.
Go Lakers.