Questions about The Hopper?

Has it been confirmed if 2 Hoppers will be able to "see" each other? I plan on having 2 Joeys also. I'm hoping the Joeys will be able to access both Hoppers.
no, not upon initial release of the Hopper/Joey system. This is a feature that will be implemented soon and has a high priority to get it available.

also :welcome to!!!
What nodes do I need. Two hoppers and two joeys... Dual node right? Ok but when I go camping I want to take a hopper and a joey. So do I need a single node for the motorhome for camping?
///M AZING said:
What nodes do I need. Two hoppers and two joeys... Dual node right? Ok but when I go camping I want to take a hopper and a joey. So do I need a single node for the motorhome for camping?

If you're just going to have one hopper you should only need a single node.
will the old UHF remotes work with the Joey? I have a 612 with 2 remotes. One away is UHF and one close is IR. Can I do that with Joey?
hey scott,

speaking of remotes.

i have a 722K remote that I have tons of stuff programmed into. Can I use this remote with the new set-up? or will I have to program the new remote all over again? Can you even program the new remotes?
Building an account on line does not seem to have a dual hopper option to click. Was trying to find the anwser if someone can just get two hoppers only.
Depends if the remote is IR or UHF, if its UHF then no. But IR works fine on the Hopper/Joeys as long as you turn on IR support in the settings.
Scott Greczkowski said:
No it can not, different frequencies.


Earlier someone claimed they had successfully paired the 922 remote to a Hopper. I know it's a different model # than the one for the Hopper (32.0? And the Hoper is a 40.0?) so I was hoping tor reuse the extra 922 remotes I bought based on someone else's experimentation. On what are you basing your belief that they won't work? (not challenging your knowledge, just curious! :-)
OK, I think that I may have a WAF problem that I wasn't planning on. While I know that a Joey can join a live TV tuner that is being used by another Hopper or Joey, but can it join a stream of a recording that is being played on another Hopper/Joey?

The reason that I ask is that my wife will sometimes want to watch from the bedroom the same thing that I'm watching in the living room and we usually only watch pre-recorded shows.

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