Questions about Hopper Plus


DVR Addict~Mad Scientist
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 16, 2004
Satsuma, AL
So I re-upped for another two years the day before the increase, got a discount and price locked. Before I got off the call, the CSR lady said that since I had just agreed to that, I am now eligible for a Hopper Plus free of any charge. The guy came and installed it this morning.

I am sure to find more issues, but here's what I have so far:

  1. I have a HDMI matrix 4x4 device which distributes the signals from the main entertainment cabinet to other rooms over HDMI cables. The main TV is 4K UHD, the one in the bedroom is 1080 HD, and another further away is also 4K UHD but the HDMI won't carry 4K that far. This was never an issue before because the default resolution for the Hopper 3 is 1080 unless viewing 4K content, so we could see Dish in all the rooms without needing extra receivers or Joeys.

    The Hopper Plus seems to upscale everything to 4K UHD, meaning that the rest of the TVs now have no signal. There also seems to be no way in the H+ settings to change the output resolution. I haven't checked yet, but I'm pretty sure the HDMI output from the Hopper 3 is disabled when a H+ is connected.

    Somebody please tell me I'm wrong or suggest a simple workaround!

  2. There appears to be no FaceBook app in the Google Play store for this device. It does have Kodi and VLC, one of which I was able to get to talk to my Windows network and playback my from my video storage share, so FB is the only thing requiring me to keep a computer at this TV since sometimes we watch FB live broadcasts.


Edit 1. This always happens after I take the time to write out a problem and think through it. My HDMI matrix has an EDID customization feature, I just had to refamiliarize myself with it. I can tell it that Input 1 (the H+) is going to be a 1080p with 5.1 audio regardless of the fact that it's a 4K UHD set at the output that the H+ was seeing. I just have to reverse the procedure, if and when I want 4K UHD output from the H+ to that main TV again. Crisis averted, for now. Unless you guys come up with some even better solution for me.
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Issue 3. The 40.0 remote is not fully supported, i.e. several of the buttons don't work or work differently than expected. If they're pushing this new-fangled tech on us old fogies the least they can do is make sure our preferred remotes still work.
I'm thinking that Dish is supposed to give you new remotes, along with the upgraded equipment .
Maybe. I already have 4 of the 54.x series, but we prefer the 40.0 because it's functionally identical to what we had with the 522 and ViP622 receivers back in the day and just works better IMO.
Issue 3. The 40.0 remote is not fully supported, i.e. several of the buttons don't work or work differently than expected. If they're pushing this new-fangled tech on us old fogies the least they can do is make sure our preferred remotes still work.
The Tech didn't give you 54 Model remotes???? Good grief.
No you cannot change the video output any longer and I never tried the HDMI output, but you can see. I don't think it'll work, but YMMV. I would see if there's a way you could sideload FB or see if Aptoid is in the Play Store
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Issue 3. The 40.0 remote is not fully supported, i.e. several of the buttons don't work or work differently than expected. If they're pushing this new-fangled tech on us old fogies the least they can do is make sure our preferred remotes still work.
This was discussed by many of us when the plus came out. Dish simply os not interested vin making it work with the 40.0nremote. They know that many users want that bit they just do not think it is a problem worth solving.
I not sure what you cannot do with your 40 remote since I use mine all the time with my plus.
I only use the 54 to use voice commands when I want to switch apps otherwise I am using the 40 for everything else
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I not sure what you cannot do with your 40 remote since I use mine all the time with my plus.
I only use the 54 to use voice commands when I want to switch apps otherwise I am using the 40 for everything else
Mostly inconveniences because button functions have changed or disappeared. Blue button to launch apps is now Menu button. Blue button to delete recordings is now Recall button. Maybe the Options button was always the red one but the indicator was a red button image before, now it's yellow text that says "Options" which is confusing. The green button was the one-touch method for captions, now I have to push red (Options) and select 2. Pressing Stop doesn't stop the playback anymore, have to hit cancel and choose stop, or change to something else. And I guess the PIP functionality is gone completely?
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This was discussed by many of us when the plus came out. Dish simply os not interested vin making it work with the 40.0nremote. They know that many users want that bit they just do not think it is a problem worth solving.
The problem is the many users is not many users at all when you look at everyone with a Hopper
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Woke up yesterday morning and Hopper plus says "Oh, you have an OTA adapter, let's scan for local channels" because for some reason it decided overnight to delete all the previously existing OTA channels.
Woke up yesterday morning and Hopper plus says "Oh, you have an OTA adapter, let's scan for local channels" because for some reason it decided overnight to delete all the previously existing OTA channels.
Get the same screen from time to time, but all the OTA channels are still in place so don't have to do anything.
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I have a HDMI matrix 4x4 device which distributes the signals from the main entertainment cabinet to other rooms over HDMI cables. The main TV is 4K UHD, the one in the bedroom is 1080 HD, and another further away is also 4K UHD but the HDMI won't carry 4K that far. This was never an issue before because the default resolution for the Hopper 3 is 1080 unless viewing 4K content, so we could see Dish in all the rooms without needing extra receivers or Joeys.

The Hopper Plus seems to upscale everything to 4K UHD, meaning that the rest of the TVs now have no signal. There also seems to be no way in the H+ settings to change the output resolution.
I guess I need to look into a better HDMI distribution system that would allow 4K UHD on some outputs and convert to lower resolution for others, from the same input. Sounds expensive, if such a thing even exists.

I surmise that the official answer to such a question is probably "get a Joey 4 for the other TV(s)" so that Dish can collect more fees.

If I were to go that route, would buying the Joey 4 save $2/month like it does for a Wally? (additional receiver fee $5/owned $7/leased)
Both versions of the Joey 4 have an Ethernet port. Can I plug it into my home network and expect it to work?
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Found the answer to my second question. Don't need to sideload the Facebook app or anything. I can cast videos from the FB app on my phone directly to the Hopper Plus.
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Splitter down scaler

This is what I use to get 4k to my projector and 1080 to my other TVs

I hope the link copied
It arrived today. Ridiculously simple to setup: HDMI from the Hopper+ to the input; Output 1 to input on the 4KUHD TV; Output 2 to the HDMI Matrix which distributes it to the rest of the house, and flip the switch #2. Main TV gets 4KUHD, the rest of them get 1080p.

I don't know why, but I didn't expect to have to find a USB port to plug into for power. I guess that down-conversion circuit has to get electrons from somewhere. Luckily my UPS had a USB port available.

Thanks again for the link.

At this point most of my issues with the Hopper Plus are solved - with the exception of still having to learn what button to push on the 40.0 remote where functions have moved.

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VIP622 TV2 not working
