It finally quit raining late morning, so I have completed the switchout.
The Primestar 75E is currently on the job pointing at Hispasat 1C/D 30.0W.
As you can see in the pics, the dish is not skewed, but the LNB is skewed to the max of -45.
Here are the pics:
These are the results using SQ only on my Pansat 3500:
With the DirecPC Dish after massive fine-tuning
12131 - H is at 44-50%
12172 - H is at 45-50%
12052 - V is at 28-32%
12175 - V is at 15-25%
11915 - V is at 55-60% Thought it wasn't listed on Lyngsat, but it is.
With the Primestar 75E with a short fine-tuning and very overcast heavy clouds.
12131 - H is now at 59-63%
12172 - H is now at 58-60%
12052 - V is now at 59-62%
12175 - V is now at 42-45% The weakest TP that I really wanted to work.

11915 - V is now at 90%
This is a notable increase in SQ by a dish and LNB that is at least 10 years old, and was in service for at least 5 years, then sat out in the elements for another 5 years. The Primestar/Channel Master dishes along with their NJR LNB's do an outstanding job even if they are rated at .6 or .7Db.
I have brought the DirecPC dish down for a redesign and rework of the elevation bolt. I will try it again on another satellite in the near future.
I am once again really happy.