I spent most of the day on the roof again, but at least from about 1:00 PM till 4:30 it was productive.
Pete, you were correct. The polar axis was off by about 12 degrees. Yes, I am not too proud to admit it, but somehow I got the latitude scale and the elevation scale confused in my mind. When I came down from the roof about noon, I did an advanced search using titles only and came up with this thread on
SG2100 +elevation. Iceberg, you spelled it out, and it hit me like a hammer. How could I be so dumb?
Anyway, it is now set up and tracking the arc. Is it perfect yet? NO. Am I going to work on it tomorrow? Maybe. After 3 days, I am a little bit tired.
I reset my longitude in the Pansat antenna setup menu back to 90.5, and am again using USALS on almost all the sats I have scanned in so far.
I am quite pleased with the original LNB that came with the Primestar. Here are some of my SQ readings.
White Springs on IA7 at 129.0 West 60-65%
11720 on G10R Solid 60% with an occasional bump to 65%
Anik F1 TP 4:2:2 65-72%
AMC4 KUIL 74-77%
G11 my TS test card at 55-60%
AMC3 Montana PBS 48-55% bumped this one with diseqc to get this number.
SBS6 ONN 80-90%
AMC6 12052 35-40%
ECHO3 at 61.5 picked up a scrambled TP just to help me with further adjustments at 30%. I think this TP was actually from it's neighbor. It did not say Echostar along with it's Nagravision whereas the other TP's from there did. They were in th 80's range.
Could not pick up a TP on PAS9.
I think with further adjustment and peaking, I will improve the East side some. If I can get the East side as well as the West, I will be happy for a while.
Here are some picks. My paint job isn't as pretty as Pete's, and the blue striping is from Rain Shield.
Also take note of the rain visor I made from a spray paint can lid to replace the that was broke originally.
So to answer the question about wind and KU digital signal that I started this thread with, Mike Kohl was absolutely correct when he stated that a 30" solid dish would perform as well as my 10' BUD along with helping to cut down on the wind problem.
About 10:00 this morning the wind shifted and started blowing at 15-25 Mph from the South with gusts up to 40 Mph. It got a little hairy a time or two while I was up there working. I say all that to say that the above readings were all taken about 2 hours ago while the wind was blowing, and the only TP/channels I had any loss of signal with was the one on AMC 6 which is an over taxed TP anyway.
Also the Primestar LNB works fine. Just have to have someone know how to tune it in.

Someone besides me.