I'm not sure about AMC-14, but I do know that AMC-15 will be used at 105.
**Pure speculation follows**
We know they plan to put E*10 at 110 when it launches, my assumtion is that instead of supplimenting 110, it'll replace E*8, which had some trouble earlier this year and drifted out of orbit yet again.
From there I think you'll see E*8 move either as a backup, or move over to 148, so the older sats can either be backup or retire. The only reason I can see so much satellite at a wing slot is if Dish acquires Voom, and gets Rainbow 1 at 61.5 to balance it out. Then they explode with HD on the wings, balanced with mirrors to 148. Plenty of capacity.
We might see E*1, E*2, and E*3 (currently at 61.5) used as either backups, or conjunction with the other sats on the wings, maybe with E*1 replacing E*4 at 157 so it can retire. OR then there's the 4.5 degree option.. they might be used there as well.
Who knows.