I have a 2 story apartment. Downstairs is the living room, and upstairs are 2 bedrooms. Due to physical reasons, I'm contemplating moving my bedroom to the living room (which we don't ever use anyhow), because life would be easier not having to navigate the stairs. There are directv outlets in both bedrooms, but none downstairs (when it was installed, something about where it was located, the cable company having locked the box, etc, but it wasn't an issue, since we only use tv in our bedrooms). My landlord will not approve drilling a hole downstairs. Can I run Coaxial cable from my room to the downstairs safely? With no major loss of reception? It is not an HD tv (yes, I know, I don't have one, my son does though..what us parents do for our kids). The tv issue is really the only thing keeping me upstairs....
Hope this makes sense.
Hope this makes sense.