Question about 120cm, and picking up ku/c

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could someone post some pics of good quality channel & a poor quality one using ku/c band lnb on ku bands with the 120cm.... if possible

my concern is shelling out a good penny to get the 120cm and I end up getting both crappy ku & c band channels.
I think Scott G. put it very nicely in another thread:

A "mini-bud" setup is for the C band hobbiest. If you really want C band reception, get a 6 foot or bigger dish.

I can receive the stronger C band signals as good as Ku on this 4 foot dish.
The weaker ones, well there's nothing there. I'd guess and say I'm missing 1/2 the stuff out there.

The Ku reception is just fine.

My coolsat 5000 doesn't like any signals with the quality 63% or less and The BSC621 puts alot of tp's around 68% or less where as my ASC321 KU lnbf gives me 69% to 97% in some cases.
I probably just need to tinker some more and an Offset scalar would improve only the C band I guess.

Getting ready to buy a C/KU lnb and was hoping to get everyones option on the two choices on the market: BSC321-2 C/Ku LNBF & GEOSAT pro CK1.

Both look like they are the same for the C-band portion. For KU, it looks like the BSC is a Universal with a 0.3 Db, while the GEOSAT is a standard LNB with 0.5 Db.
(correct or is my info off?)

Got a couple of questions:

1)Has anyone compared the two side by side in performance?

2) Does the scaler ring that comes with the GEOSAT usable for a 1.2m offset dish or do should you use the scaler ring a forum member made for both lnb's?

3) in reference to mounting to a Fortec 120cm, what LMB mount can you use? Will the mount from SatelliteAV work for both ( or is there another mount everyone is using?

4) Read a post before that someone was sucessful in getting SportsMax off I805 with a 1.2. Any success with Zee TV? What about Real Madrid off of PAS9?



Not trying to hijack the trhread as I think that the questions are relevant with this thread. If mods feel otherwise, let me know and I'll post it in its own thread
I think a thread on what you can receive with a microbud on c band would be helpful with some references to signal reports to compare how your system may be performing.
Meanwhile to address Scott89 concerns about the two c/ku products, as I said I am using the BSC621-2 and as far as I can tell the C band section with the flat scalar works very well as I have picked up Sportsmax with a good signal as well as c band on other satellites, it is only the KU that I appear to be having a less then expected performance from and that may be due to my getting the sweet spot for the lnbf and a good comprimise between C and KU.
The othe C/KU lnbf I have not used but I'm sure it is similar.

scottc98 said:
3) in reference to mounting to a Fortec 120cm, what LMB mount can you use? Will the mount from SatelliteAV work for both ( or is there another mount everyone is using?

When I bought my 120cm dish from Sadoun, I bought the "LNB Holder 3" from this page:

It fits the 621 C/Ku LNB just fine.

The dish already comes with the smaller LNB holder for the standard smaller LNB's (25/40mm) in the accessory & hardware box.
Eastcoast said:
My coolsat 5000 doesn't like any signals with the quality 63% or less

My ultra gets fussy under 35%.
l had been using an Invacom 031 on a 30" dish. This LNB gives about 15 points less. So 80 turned into 60 to 65, and 55 turned into 40-45.
So far, my Ku has been OK.

My biggest issue has been the weight of the bigger dish, and HH120 motor on my mounting pole. I'll be changing it out from telescoping push up pole, to the current 2" tubing, to a new 20 foot piece of 3" EMT tubing I swiped from work...

The 2" is better, but still flexes a bit. The 3" should be OK.
Pic attached is of the 2" pipe.


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pmb1010 said:
When I bought my 120cm dish from Sadoun, I bought the "LNB Holder 3" from this page:

It fits the 621 C/Ku LNB just fine.

The dish already comes with the smaller LNB holder for the standard smaller LNB's (25/40mm) in the accessory & hardware box.

oic...that will work perfect. Thanks!

Eastcoast...thanks for the feedback! I've been hearing similar things about the KU signal off these combo LNBs and that is what bugs me. I've sold my 80cm and all I have is that 120cm that I have yet to mount. Planed on motoring with a HH120. Prob is that it will be my only motoring source (My CM dish can be setup to get a few sats sationary, but limits the sufing I like to do).

I guess that is why I am wondering if it would be better to place a very high quality KU LNB next to a nice C-band (centered on dish)
I really like surfing the sky too that's why I was interested in adding the C band.
If I can't get some favourable results with the Ku section I may look at addind a KU lnbf as well.
Good luck and let us know what happens.
Perhaps we need to start a thread called Experimenters Corner for all these experiments and adding second lnbfs etc with pictures and what ever else helps.

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