PS3 reached it's apex already?

The lady at Walmart who I spoke with last night said that they have recieved 4 shipments since launch. This is in Halifax, VA, the smallest town known to man. We have a walmart, applebees, and lowes and that's it. Launch shipment was 8 or 10, then they got 6, then 4, then 8, then 6 on the 23rd. They sold them all, and had one left which my aunt picked up last night for my cousin. The look on his face when he opened it tonight was PRICELESS. He had NO IDEA.

So Sony is getting these consoles out there, much better than M$ did.

I am one of the lucky ones who got both in time for X-MAS! So far i like Genji i believe the spelling is. Have not played resistance yet. Also i am giving blu ray one more chance. I have heard great things about the newer 50 gig disks!
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The lady at Walmart who I spoke with last night said that they have recieved 4 shipments since launch. This is in Halifax, VA, the smallest town known to man. We have a walmart, applebees, and lowes and that's it. Launch shipment was 8 or 10, then they got 6, then 4, then 8, then 6 on the 23rd. They sold them all, and had one left which my aunt picked up last night for my cousin. The look on his face when he opened it tonight was PRICELESS. He had NO IDEA.

So Sony is getting these consoles out there, much better than M$ did.
And you are using Halifax Virginia to base this on? :haha :haha
And you are using Halifax Virginia to base this on? :haha :haha

I think it is showing that even in an extremely small town like this, where most people dont have the money for this type of thing, that it is selling, and that Sony IS SHIPPING THEM CONSTANTLY. Most smaller places are left out of the major numbers that bugger cities have, but yet we are still getting a constant and decent supply here. In Blacksburg, were i go to college, VA TECH, the numbers are even greater.
I bought an X Box 360 about a month ago, got Wii for Christmass, and bought my brother a Playstation 3.

Honestly. I like the Wii better, and spent the whole weekend playing some of the classics like the legend of Zelda :)
thats rare, I must say as I have been at several stores in the last week, and the Ps3's didnt even make it into the display case.

I guess but when I went back on Xmas eve to grab some more last minute things they still had all of them and they also had signs on the door saying they had them. I guess maybe its the last place people would look for something like that.
I was just at frys and they had 100 ps3,s just stetting there most were the 60gb
3065 Webb Road
(678) 280-0550

Thats great. Another 100 sold for Sony. It seems that many people think sony shipping these consoles out for people to buy is a bad thing. One would think it is not. Yet Sony still gets unnecessarily bashed for anything they do, even if they do have a GREAT product.

P:S I am not saying that LOBO feels that way, just a majority of posts that I see, see PS3's in stores as a bad thing.
No I dont feel that way thats why I put the address an the number where they are at ,I though about doing a new post to let people know they had them but figure they would see it in here. I have a 360 and I just dont have the time to play 2 or 3 systems this time around like I have in the past.
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Thats great. Another 100 sold for Sony. It seems that many people think sony shipping these consoles out for people to buy is a bad thing. One would think it is not. Yet Sony still gets unnecessarily bashed for anything they do, even if they do have a GREAT product.

P:S I am not saying that LOBO feels that way, just a majority of posts that I see, see PS3's in stores as a bad thing.

I don't see anyone saying that a supply if PS3's that meets demand is a bad thing. I think most of us are just surprised that the crush to get one ended before Christmas. I would have expected them to be much harder to get, even if Sony had been shipping them at twice the rate they have.
People will regret it...they will have to buy the system again ...and im sure it will boost the sales when MGS4 comes out...and few other games like FFXIII (exclusive for PS3) and few others...PS3 will surpass any other consoles like the wii and xbox 360..lets face it people...wii will be boring after few months...not many games will come out for the system...the wii will go down the drain like game cube.
I like my PS3 and xbox 360..but if you are going to ask me...atm the 360 is doing well but wait until good games come out for the ps3..thats what is going to boost the sales for that console..

Plus i can immage peoples son being pissed off because of the wii, all because their son smashed the wii mote on your brand new 60" plasma.
a 250$ system breaking ur 3k worth TV ehhe..
They made a cheap console + the straps are horrid gg. I could see more people being disappointed on the wii.
The question at the beginning of the thread was Has the PS3 reached its apex. Quite possibly if I use the same type of prognasticating as others have.

I was at Best Buy with my sons (ages13 and 15). I offered to buy the PS3, there were 2 a 20g and a 60 g. They said no. According to them, and they have nearly every console released since the NES excluding the Dreamcast, nothing worth playing except Resistance. So if 2 teens who are avid gamers dont want one, who does that leave?
No kid in my neigborhood asked for a PS3 for Christmas, those that did not have a 360 yet got one. Hard to think anyone but fanboys and HT enthusiasts are buying them. Great deal for a DVD player
I might have bought one for the Blu ray but I'll wait for the combo player now.
The key point in your statement is " nothing worth playing but Resistance". It seems that this reason is what has caused the PS3 to not sell as predicted. However, it is still "Too" early to say the PS3 has reached its apex, simply because Sony has a line of new releases that just may cause kids to demand it. This tread really won't be answered until we give it sometime! People are making too many quick decisions on a system thats only been out for a month. This same kind of result happen when HDtv was first introduced. Many, although impress by the technology, was sure that it would fail because of the high price and lack of HD content! But, today, HDtv is the most in demand consumer electronic today and will be for the next several years!
The PS3 will gain steam in the future when there is more support for it and more titles which will make the PS3 stand out.

I know I will have a PS3 in the future, I just dont want or need one now.
Also, a lot more will sell when they prices dropped.... I feel some guilt in looking at the prices of ps2 now and compare it to the 300.00 that I paid when my cousin talked me in to getting one when my cd player went out in the bachelor pad. Oh well, it's gotten it's use, but if I had to do it over again, I'd have waited a year for a price drop.
Also, a lot more will sell when they prices dropped.... I feel some guilt in looking at the prices of ps2 now and compare it to the 300.00 that I paid when my cousin talked me in to getting one when my cd player went out in the bachelor pad. Oh well, it's gotten it's use, but if I had to do it over again, I'd have waited a year for a price drop.
I really wonder (but hope it does) if the price will drop in a year.
I really wonder (but hope it does) if the price will drop in a year.

The price dropped even before launch in japan, the price will drop when the blu-ray drives will be produced more and for cheaper. The question now is when.

Old time gamers rejoice! - Wing commander coming to XBox Live Arcade

Ps3 audio ?

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