PS3 reached it's apex already?

Or titles that look/play way better on the PS3 than any other platform. We'll see if that ever happens.
Both the wii and xbox360 had one of their console selling games out(zelda for wii and gow for xbox360), we still haven't seen the MGS, FF, GT, God of War,...etc
I'm not even a gamer but it looks like I nailed it. Does that mean I'm psychic or psychotic?
Why not both? ;)

Sure looks like they'll need some hot games exclusive to the PS3 or that at least play/look better on the PS3 to get a second wind. Speaking of wind, you sure are right- the wind seems to be out of their sails.
Well Digital Dude you have to understand this:

Wii = Not Next Gen = Cheap system and affordable for most middle class people = which it will sell more = not so special

Ps3 = Next Gen = Just released = Sells will pick up when games like LAIR and Motorstorm will come out and on the long run MGS4

Xbox 360 = 1 year advantage = Already making v 1.5 because the original 360 failed bad (reason they are releasing a quiter,cooler system) Figures...Microsoft failed with the first one and there was no way to fix they went ahead and made 1.5

Now you tell me who won.
Well Digital Dude you have to understand this:

Wii = Not Next Gen = Cheap system and affordable for most middle class people = which it will sell more = not so special

Ps3 = Next Gen = Just released = Sells will pick up when games like LAIR and Motorstorm will come out and on the long run MGS4

Xbox 360 = 1 year advantage = Already making v 1.5 because the original 360 failed bad (reason they are releasing a quiter,cooler system) Figures...Microsoft failed with the first one and there was no way to fix they went ahead and made 1.5

Now you tell me who won.

couple corrections, or rebuttals, you really are gun ho about the Ps3, but you have to be fair

Wii-Def next gen because of the Wiimote and what it is about, graphics dont make Next gen
and also on the 360, there is no 1.2, or 1.3, or 1.4, or 1.5, All consoles go through several revisions (See Sony, and Nintendo King of releasing new consoles towards the end of their life span.)
Hmmm have you watched the CES Live Coverage on G4TV?
If not you might want to watch it...
Especially when one of the hosts asked to the other host...
Do you have a 360? Yes i do, infact i just got it few days ago.
Now how do you feel like when the new 360 is coming out soon? No comment, sad face.

Microsoft will have alot of pissed of customers.
Hmmm have you watched the CES Live Coverage on G4TV?
If not you might want to watch it...
Especially when one of the hosts asked to the other host...
Do you have a 360? Yes i do, infact i just got it few days ago.
Now how do you feel like when the new 360 is coming out soon? No comment, sad face.

Microsoft will have alot of pissed of customers.

The HDMI mockup was just that, a mockup in MS Labs that is not being released in the forseeable future. The only revision coming up is one with a smaller processor that is just cooler, no increase in performance.

Nothing to hold out over, and wont make anything obsolete. You need to stop bathing in the koolaid you're drinking and have a real conversation.
But look at it this way...cooler system, less noise (reason id pick up the new 360 just for that), and bigger HDD.
Thank god i bought my systems from Costco..PS3 60 GB and xbox 360 20gb from them. Their return policy > all. If there was a new 360 id just go trade my old 360 for what i paid and get the new 360 same goes for sony if they ever release something newer.
Well Digital Dude you have to understand this:

Wii = Not Next Gen = Cheap system and affordable for most middle class people = which it will sell more = not so special

Ps3 = Next Gen = Just released = Sells will pick up when games like LAIR and Motorstorm will come out and on the long run MGS4

Xbox 360 = 1 year advantage = Already making v 1.5 because the original 360 failed bad (reason they are releasing a quiter,cooler system) Figures...Microsoft failed with the first one and there was no way to fix they went ahead and made 1.5

Now you tell me who won.
PS2 as it still outsells Xbox 360 :rolleyes:
Well Digital Dude you have to understand this:

Wii = Not Next Gen = Cheap system and affordable for most middle class people = which it will sell more = not so special

Ps3 = Next Gen = Just released = Sells will pick up when games like LAIR and Motorstorm will come out and on the long run MGS4

Xbox 360 = 1 year advantage = Already making v 1.5 because the original 360 failed bad (reason they are releasing a quiter,cooler system) Figures...Microsoft failed with the first one and there was no way to fix they went ahead and made 1.5

Now you tell me who won.

Wii, nintendo makes money on everything, even the console. It is an interactive game for families, parents can have fun with their kids.

Let me put it another way. Your family goes to a casino, The 360 is like the $1 slot machines and the PS3 is like the $5 slot machines. They both are for only one player, (the teenager in this case), the Wii is like the roulette table, everyone plays at the same time.

The Wii has my parents (who are in their 70's) fascinated and giggling when they play with my 9 year old, they are considering getting one(!), no other console has that broad appeal.

PS3's are sitting on shelves and snowballing in stock rooms, the buzz is gone in 80 days, THAT was the point of my original post.

I just don't see a single game, or combination of games, that will see them flying off the shelves.
The question at the beginning of the thread was Has the PS3 reached its apex. Quite possibly if I use the same type of prognasticating as others have.

I was at Best Buy with my sons (ages13 and 15). I offered to buy the PS3, there were 2 a 20g and a 60 g. They said no. According to them, and they have nearly every console released since the NES excluding the Dreamcast, nothing worth playing except Resistance. So if 2 teens who are avid gamers dont want one, who does that leave?
No kid in my neigborhood asked for a PS3 for Christmas, those that did not have a 360 yet got one. Hard to think anyone but fanboys and HT enthusiasts are buying them. Great deal for a DVD player
I might have bought one for the Blu ray but I'll wait for the combo player now.

I'm an 8th grade teacher. The talk in my school is about the 360 or the Wii. Not many of the 13-14 crowd here are interested in the PS3.
Sorry but I will wait until the price comes down on the PS3, for that price I can get a brand new computer that will do everything the PS3 premium does plus alot more.
Sorry but I will wait until the price comes down on the PS3, for that price I can get a brand new computer that will do everything the PS3 premium does plus alot more.

except play blu-ray, currently there is no one device that does what the ps3 does anywhere close to its price. Even if you do not use it to play games, the blu-ray the ability to browse the internet, stick in your media card view pictures or video on your tv. If you look at everything it can do, nothing comes close to its pricepoint. I know it has some flaws, built in scaler for the video games, however this would not be a concern of mine I have a 1080p tv.
Analyst says PS3's in stock = Not Good
Jan 12th, 2007 by J. Bakalar

Just yesterday I was in a Wal-Mart and an EB Games; do you know how many Playstation 3's I saw? 11! That's right, almost a dozen 60GB Playstation 3's were on the shelves, waiting to be claimed. And just think, two months ago one of these bad boys was worth upwards of $2000. That is simply unbelivable. Wal-Mart had 7 in their glass display while EB told me 4 were in the back (1 of them was returned). While Sony fanboys may still be sore from the shock of this, it should come to no surprise to those who look at this industry from a practical and logical point of view.
Read what GameDaily BIZ reports industry analyst PJ McNealy is saying about the current surplus. It basically boils down to this:
  • Lack of new exclusive games - This is pretty obvious. Resistance can't hold the reigns forever.
  • The $600 price point - It is hard for gamers to justify spending that much money. Most people even thought the Xbox 360 was too expensive when it launched.
  • Blu-Ray has yet to take off - Let's be honest, HD-DVD has yet to make its mark either. Thus, it's tough to market these formats to consumers.
Analyst says PS3's in stock = Not Good
Jan 12th, 2007 by J. Bakalar

Just yesterday I was in a Wal-Mart and an EB Games; do you know how many Playstation 3's I saw? 11! That's right, almost a dozen 60GB Playstation 3's were on the shelves, waiting to be claimed. And just think, two months ago one of these bad boys was worth upwards of $2000. That is simply unbelivable. Wal-Mart had 7 in their glass display while EB told me 4 were in the back (1 of them was returned). While Sony fanboys may still be sore from the shock of this, it should come to no surprise to those who look at this industry from a practical and logical point of view.
Read what GameDaily BIZ reports industry analyst PJ McNealy is saying about the current surplus. It basically boils down to this:
  • Lack of new exclusive games - This is pretty obvious. Resistance can't hold the reigns forever.
  • The $600 price point - It is hard for gamers to justify spending that much money. Most people even thought the Xbox 360 was too expensive when it launched.
  • Blu-Ray has yet to take off - Let's be honest, HD-DVD has yet to make its mark either. Thus, it's tough to market these formats to consumers.
Those are my three main reasons exactly.. I could have had one many times but I could not pull the trigger..
I think I'll wait til Black Friday, 2007 or maybe 2008. I highly suspect there'll be so many ps3s on shelves collecting dust by that time that they'll end up in lots of super bargain sales.

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