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Dec 3, 2003

By Mitchell Davis
HD Observer

Washington, D.C. (December 9, 2006) -- There seems to be a lot of PR wars going on around the PlayStation 3.

A "study" recently came out that said gamers had more of an anti-PS3 sentiment and that more liked HD DVD.

But I am happy to be one of the hundreds of thousands to actually own a PS3. And after getting it, I can clearly state it is excellent.

No, I won't trash talk Xbox 360, but the HD gameplay on PS3 is amazing. The story doesn't end there, as Blu-Ray movies are beautiful to watch as well. Not only has Sony been quick to release firmware updates to refine the machine. but those improvements make it a better machine each and every time.

Xbox 360 is offering HD Pay Per View in 720p but it doesn't even have an HDMI or HDCP compliant output. So the PS3 is pretty future proof; it has everything in it that you will need for a long time to come and features that others aspire to.

As more PS3 supplies hit shelves, Sony would do itself a service to lower the price, like they did in Japan. (The PS3 is now $499 and $599.) Yes, they would lose more money in the short run. But it would get rid of the stigma attached to this amazing HD home entertainment center and drive it as the premium machine to get.
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Xbox 360 is offering HD Pay Per View in 720p but it doesn't even have an HDMI or HDCP compliant output. So the PS3 is pretty future proof; it has everything in it that you will need for a long time to come and features that others aspire to.

Congrats on getting a PS3. I'm a 360 owner, but happy for ya. But, if there's ONE thing I've learned, nothing is FUTURE PROOF! :rolleyes:

My state-of-the-art 1080i Mitsubishi was suppose to last forever with component AND 1394. :rolleyes:

So this year I buy a 1080i with HDMI 1.1. OOPS. :rolleyes:
Well 1st I don't have one. I'm not big on console I like the PC side of things and I edit my post. Mr.Davis from HD Observer who wrote the article above was the one who got one so sorry about that.Yeah I think you will be fine heck most things are in 780p and few do 1080i much less 1080p. So folks with 1080i will be fine for many years due to 1st not all networks have HD Channels and those who do very few broadcast anything over 780p. So it will be awhile before things get to 1080p so nothing wrong with a 1080i TV. Folks that have a 1080p thats fine too just that there is very little out there that will do 1080p and it will be that way for awhile.
I got my ps3 20gb last Tuesday. Quality is quite excellent. Mpeg2 movies such as BlackHawk Down and Tears of the Sun are just amazing looking. I would have to say BHD is better looking then anything I have seen on my HD-A1. Waiting for the rest of my blu-ray collection to arrive. Gotta love the w/ google checkout deal.

Landlocked - depending which Mits you have, I hope you did not get rid of it. I have a four year old WS-55511 (only 1 component 1080i plus firewire woohoo) v21 chassis but it still looks better then just about any HDTV I have seen at a store. Calibration and a good video processor can make it scream. We won't see the ICT flag until after 2010 so who knows what new technology will be out by then. I took the cost of a new set and gave it to a good calibrator who hooked me up with a very nice Lumagen video processor and did a full cleaning + calibration.

Next step is to drop Dish (no full rez = terrible looking HD). Comcast is more expensive but they do not touch their HD at all.

EDIT: I was also skittish about keep the 4 year old TV but after checking out all my options it was definitely the best way to go. Damn you Mitsubishi and your promise!
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Damn you Mitsubishi and your promise!
LOL, yeah they got me too, I got a Diamond back in 2002/2003 model and I just got a new HD tv for the bedroom didnt got with Mits this time.
This person seems to think the 360 is better.
"The PS3 and Xbox 360 editions look remarkably similar — a thread that extends through all cross-platform releases currently on shelves. It's obvious, however, that the Xbox 360 edition was the lead product. The stunning high-def visuals suffer from slight frame-rate issues on the PS3, which means you might experience a slight hiccup in gameplay. The 360 edition is much smoother, and the colors actually appear a little richer, too."
Damn you Mitsubishi and your promise!
LOL, yeah they got me too, I got a Diamond back in 2002/2003 model and I just got a new HD tv for the bedroom didnt got with Mits this time.

Me too. Got one in 2001 and I thought it was the greatest thing despite the size. Now, its a giant with one component input and no HDMI. I got extended warranty on it and thank goodness because it had to get in house fixed twice. Its good for another 2 years and after that, if anything goes wrong, its gone. It will be replaced by a 60 or so inch 1080p DLP. I like the TV but its just like computers, the moment you buy it, something better is coming or the future proof just aint so.
I'll join in to say I did the Mits purchase in 2001 and am definitely on the short end when it comes to inputs. The picture is still outstanding after ISF calibration though and I prefer it to the new sets. I'm using my Denon to switch my HD signals and so far am okay with that all going to the one component 1080i input on the Mits. The HD-A1 is in definite need of a DVD component upconvert hack though.
After a good hour of downloads and getting my PS3 hooked up to my Benq 8700+ projector, I popped in Superman Returns to watch the plane sequence.

And my 13 yr. old son and I, looked at each other, and said almost together, "Doesn't look that much better to me." It was disappointing to say the least. It just seemed flat, almost washed out. I'm going to rent the regular dvd, and change between my Oppo and PS3 on the fly to really compare.
After a good hour of downloads and getting my PS3 hooked up to my Benq 8700+ projector, I popped in Superman Returns to watch the plane sequence.

And my 13 yr. old son and I, looked at each other, and said almost together, "Doesn't look that much better to me." It was disappointing to say the least. It just seemed flat, almost washed out. I'm going to rent the regular dvd, and change between my Oppo and PS3 on the fly to really compare.

Did you use the cables that came with the PS3, or did you buy the component or HDMI cable for it?
So any word on when the Star Wars series will come out on BD or HD-DVD? Or that there's been a decision to NOT release them in either format?
Stars War 3D

I have read in the past year that they will be releasing the star war series in 3D sometime in 2007 in theatres so I think they may hold off on any HD format
Did you use the cables that came with the PS3, or did you buy the component or HDMI cable for it?

Used a HDMI to DVI cable since my projector only has DVI. It is HDCP compatible with 3/2 pulldown, and shows 1080i when the PS3 starts up. Before I downloaded the new software, it was only coming up at 525p.

I'll have to try a few other movies, I have heard that Superman is a little soft in some reviews I've read.
After a good hour of downloads and getting my PS3 hooked up to my Benq 8700+ projector, I popped in Superman Returns to watch the plane sequence.

And my 13 yr. old son and I, looked at each other, and said almost together, "Doesn't look that much better to me." It was disappointing to say the least. It just seemed flat, almost washed out. I'm going to rent the regular dvd, and change between my Oppo and PS3 on the fly to really compare.

You watched the wrong movie. SR was the 10th BD that Iwatched and thought the same thing. Watch Kingdom of Heaven, MI 3, Corpse Bride, Black Hawk Down, and there are a few others that a super stunning. Don't base it on SR which was a mediocre BD at best.
You watched the wrong movie. SR was the 10th BD that Iwatched and thought the same thing. Watch Kingdom of Heaven, MI 3, Corpse Bride, Black Hawk Down, and there are a few others that a super stunning. Don't base it on SR which was a mediocre BD at best.

That is what I've now been reading. I have Corpse Bride and Kung Fu Hustle which I will try.

New and Upcoming HD DVD Releases

No Disney or Fox anytime soon for HD-DVD?

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