Prodelin 1.2 m elevation adjustment.

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 20, 2006
Near Chicago.
I have a 1.2m Prodelin series 1130 dish, i am confused however on adjusting elevation there is no elevation set marks therefore with the inclinometer placed on back of the dish the manual said when the reflector is vertical the rf axis is 22.6
above the horizon,therefore 22.6 is added to the reading to find the true elevation angle. The elevation of the satellite i am aiming is 32 do i have to add 22.6+32=54.6 is that my inclinometer setting? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
no you subtract
start around 10 and move from there. that is with the inclinometer on the the vertical part of the mount bracket. I put mine just above where the elevation adjustment attaches but as close as I can get to it and it still be flush.

edit you might have to start around 9.5
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