Problems with New Pirates?

I have a PS3 and I too had problems with the disc. It took two reboots of the PS3 before it would finally play. It froze on me the first two times. The third time I let all the previews play and it didn't freeze. The fourth was also fine, and I did skip most of the previews that time. I do not have the unit set to output 1080p 24 hz. It does output in 1080i.

This is the first movie I have that's had any problems at all.
When I first saw the title of this thread I thought it was something about the kind of people Iceberg likes to kick.
Plays fine here.

I finally rented a copy of this and having the ubiquitous mother of all troubled BD players, the infamous Samsung BD-1400, I am happy to report that while annoyingly slow to load these feature rich BR DVD's it plays through without trouble. Now (JoeSP take note) is with 1080p60 as I have my player connected to the non-updated DVDO 50Pro that won't see a 24P input until I update the firmware. I plan to test this DVD later on a direct player to monitor in 24P mode to see what happens.
I do have the latest firmware upgrade on the Samsung.

PQ on the POC is the best I have seen so far. It was so good that I could detect the fake model in a tank of water with a little toy helmsman during one of the storms. Disney will need to increase their sfx quality to keep up with the new bluray PQ.

addendum note-
Watched POC for the third time- I have noticed some audio stuttering and muting for several seconds at random after the 2 hour play time. I have the latest firmware upgrade on the Samsung BD1400. Does everyone else have this problem ONLY after 2 hours play time and at random non-repeatable. That is my case. I discovered the same on Spiderman 3 after 2 hours on repeated plays. Plus it doesn't happen on every play nor at the same spot on the disk.
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