Personally I'm sick and tired of price increases. I haven't seen anything from D* to justify and price hikes. Plus, to the person that said they will pay $3 for just 9 more HD channels, thats crazy! Its comments like that corporate companies like to hear that make them continue to raise our prices because you have given them the impression that its cheap and they aren't charging enough! I'm paying D* over $120/mth for my programming and frankly I don't feel like the bastards need anymore of my money for extra channels. At this point, any additions should be free! I'm still pissed that I have to pay an additional $11 bucks for the HD pack when I have the TC Premier package! If we continue to pay a dollar here and there for every bone thrown at us, we're going to be broke by the time a real meal comes to the table! Don't mean to rant but this is getting friggin outrageous! Dammit for my $120 I even want the damn Spanish channels even though I have a no ___ damn clue what they're saying. Hell, at least I could see some chicas!