Price Increase on NFLST for 2010 season

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If I can get another deal similar to what most of us got this season, I'll be in for another season but I agree that this is a substantial price increase, imo.
i hope it includes the hd but i will be getting no matter what with all the people that come over and watch it, and plus i run a survival league which makes it exciting.
It's not worth it when you consider the fact that most of the airtime is taken up with commercials. They expect you to pay that much for it and still sit through wall to wall commercials. Someone is getting way too greedy. It's a total ripoff. As far as I'm concerned there are enough free games on the networks. Who really needs to see every game anyway? If you are that hooked on NFL football, perhaps you should consider getting a life.
It's a good thing I like college football more than the wife would kill me if I tried to spend that much cash on football......

I would love to say the same but their non-playoff system just kills it for me. I love the sport and their rules but that sham of a system just makes it so I can't move it ahead of the NFL.
The problem with the NFL Sunday Ticket is just once a week games for 16 weeks. I didn't get it this year and most of the Patriots games ended up being shown in Orlando. If I had paid for it I would have felt ripped off with all of the games being shown in my local market. At least with MLB you feel better about it. Games almost every day for 6 months.
how are they going to avoid commercials, justshow the players standing on the field doing nothing. The same games are being played on local television that needs commercials.
And it is half of the price of ST.

If other providers carried ST the price would definitely be lower. First, the amount Direct would have to pay the NFL for ST would be less, thus cost to subs would be less. Second, Direct uses ST as a niche grabber for subs and can set the prices higher than they would be if other providers carried ST because they cannot go anywhere else.

I doubt this would happen (price drop), D* basically has set the bar where every other provider that would get it would then KNOW they can get $ 300 + for it.
i've never complained about this. until now i was ok with the price. now its getting a bit out of hand imo. will i be ok with it in 6 months? doubt it.

Many will probably be cutting back on other D* programming to keep the ST if it's important to you.

I will be turning off the movie channels to save some money ....... 14x12=168 thats half of the ST right there.
OK just remember not to shoot the messenger.

understand but you can pass this along to your supervisors. i will cancel sunday ticket. even if the auto renewal was $300 including super fan, its too expensive for myself who lives on a fixed income.

in fact, i believe i'll call wednesday and cancel. sorry, the price has gotten way too expensive.
understand but you can pass this along to your supervisors. i will cancel sunday ticket. even if the auto renewal was $300 including super fan, its too expensive for myself who lives on a fixed income.

in fact, i believe i'll call wednesday and cancel. sorry, the price has gotten way too expensive.

sorry i dont have supervisors. And the ones who are directly above me have nothing to do with that nore would they really care. They just make sure that I keep my agents in line wiht policy.
7 payments of $44.99 does seem like a lot but it does break down to about $18.53 per week for the 17 week schedule. It might be worth keeping for myself even at that price because if I didn't have it, all I would really have was 49ers and Raiders (non-home games for Oakland) games. That thought scares me.

Also, could it be that Directv is raising it $44.99 because there is a good chance of no NFL season in 2011 because of a lockout?
Yep, my contract is up in 3 months, I like the tivo product better, and unless directv repeats their offer to me from this past year ($179 with free superfan), i'll just let the comcast guys start poking me in the backside instead of directv. I mean, whats the difference?

In fact, looks like they'll give me a substantially similar HD cable package (all the same channels I watch, and a couple on comcast in HD that directv doesnt have yet), for about $30 over what my HS cable internet bill is, which means a $50 savings over my current total bills. Oh, and for $5 a month during football season, I can watch the red zone channel. More than good enough.

Pretty much sold.

For those with the lame "same complaints as last year..." comments, I'll interpret that to mean "Directv management not only doesnt get it, they dont get it for two years running and good luck when your two year contracts run out and your churn rate goes from 25% to 75%.". In an economic downturn "hey it sucked last year too!" isnt a particularly good argument.

I'll stick a frickin antenna on top of my house before I'll agree to any tv contract of any kind, ever again.
all I would really have was 49ers and Raiders (non-home games for Oakland) games. That thought scares me.

Me too. I might just pick up basket weaving instead of paying a stupid price to watch a better quality product. Maybe if enough of us do the same, it'll press the NFL to stop letting morons whose brains stopped working in the 1970's and price conscious former doctors whose wives grabbed the team from their felony committing brothers from owning professional football teams. :(

I'm just saying...

If you want your fans to be excited and spend money on your product, the fun part starts with who owns the teams goes from there.

Anyone who doubts, look at the Patriots ownership...the Sullivans, Victor Kiam, James Orthwein...bunch of nothing except a blowout in one superbowl. Robert Kraft, boom...four superbowls, three winners.
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