my bill is $176.94
one genie
one genie slave
and 3 HR24's
Ultimate package programing and regional sports package (MSG)
I probably could drop one of the Hr'24 and get another slave and that would save me the $7.00 dvr rate on one but that's it. I deep fired my Onion rings that "BILL" said I can lower my bill by getting a lesser programming package. Gee thanks save more by taking programming away. thank you Captain Obvious.
going from a dvr to a mini is no savings, both are $7 a month.
there is only 1 dvr fee for the account,
you have 5 tvs thats $35 a month
remove 3 and save $21
drop to the preferred xtra ( i think thats the name) it also takes out the regional sports fee. some sports channels, but puts other channels in there