Post your VOOM Activation Stories here

David Dietzel said:
I've had Dish for nearly five years for SD programming and Voom since November.

Called main Dish number Sunday evening as current Dish sub and placed on hold 20 minutes then cut off.

Tried again an hour later. Placed on hold 15 minutes and then cut off.

Called the regular Dish number again and said I was a Dish sub with Voom and needed to get upgraded to HD receiver and HD pack and Voom pack. Placed on hold 10 minutes. Then told to call WOW number. Called WOW. Told to call back main number. Called back main number and told only HD-DVR offer was 921 at $549 with no option to get a 942, either leased or purchased. Asked about 811. Put on hold 10 minutes. Told I would need to replace my 501 SD-DVR with 811. Said I wanted to keep 501 for SD recoding and asked if installation was feasible to somehow have both 811 and 501 going and just switch back and forth as needed as my TV has 7 inputs. Told no way to do that and must trash 501 for 811 or buy 921 -- again, no option to even buy a 942. Asked to speak with technical support regarding 811 and 501 co-installation. Told, OK, placed on hold 40 minutes and cut off.

Needless to say, I never even got a chance to talk about an extra Dish or programming costs.

WTF is this anyway????

Will talk to local sat people in person Wednesday (my day off) about my situation: I have two TVs, one SD and one HD. Have old SD reciever on SD TV, which is fine. Have SD-DVR 501 currently on HDTV. I just want to get an 811 to watch HD content from Dish (including Voom channels) and still have my 501 SD-DVR to record non-HD stuff.

Is this too freaking much to ask?????

Geesus, the Voom customer service was insanely outstanding compared to Dish.

God help us all.
I have a 942 coming with my install.
!. Called 7:30 AM Sunday Morning at the regular E* number
2. Selected additional programming
3. Was on hold for 3 minutes
4. Requested Voom channels from the Rep
5. Was asked do you have a 2nd dish, HD receiver, is the dish Voom or E*
6. $5 fee was added
7. Voom activated

Total time: 6 minutes
Talked to a CSR Rep for HD and she said that they are manily offering the Voom HD to get the VOOM folks back up running. Thats probally the main reason why the Voom Channels are at 61.5. So I guess smart move on Dish part to get the X Voom Customers to come to Dish instead of Direct. As far as majorty of the Dish HD Subscribers you can get the Voom HD with second Dish so on. But Im going to waite since we all know the MPEG 4 receivers will be out soon and most of all of use will half to pay something for that. So Im not going to spend the money now when in the near future all of the HD channels will be moved around. That wall all of the HD subcribers can get them on one dish plus with MPEG 4 receivers. So Im glad to see Dish adding more but also helping out the Voom Customers. :)
I called yesterday evening at about 7:30. It took less than 2 minutes to get a CSR on the line. He informed me of the $5.00 per-month fee and said I would have the channels in 10-15 minutes. A short time later I was watching what was "Voom" (for the first time.)
I have an 811 receiver. I already had the second dish pointed at 61.5. (I got it for the CBS-HD feed, but there was no charge for the install because one of my locals - a religious station - is on that satellite.)
After stopping by Sears to buy a Dish 500 setup to use on 61.5, got signal, did the check switch, rebooted our 811s and called 800-333-DISH at around 3PM. Spoke with a nice, but 'script reading' CSR.

Told her I wanted to add the 10 Voom channels, used to be a Voom customer (fib) and already have a dish ready to go on 61.5 with channels in red on the guide.

"Could you hold please?"

She then tells me to Menu-6-1-1. "What satellite is checked?" 119 "You don't have a second dish so you will need that first before you can order the Voom channels." :rolleyes:

Told her again I have a dish pointed to 61.5 and that Menu-6-1-1 just had 119 checked when I pulled it up. I checked 61.5 and signal was over 100. Explained very nicely that she just had to add the package to my service and that they were already in my guide in red.

"Could you hold please?"

Now she gets it, adds channels, $5 and thanks.
I Called Dish around 0900 on Sunday. Had to "work with the CSR" a bit to make her understand that I already had the 61.5 dish and the HD package (61.5 dish was installed in January for free at the same time I added HD). She had to put me on a monthy payment (remove annual) for the HD in order for me to add the Voom stuff (?). Anyhow, the channels came up a few minutes later. Now I B Voomin'!

da Doug
I am told NO because existing customer

Spent 4hrs Sunday trying to get Voom channels. At least 2hrs today. Turned down at least 8 times. Have been a E customer for 15 months, total time have had the Everything package plus HD programming. Have the 2nd Dish and voom channels show red in menu. Credit card auto-pay. Account always in good standing.
Did the Dish n up promo last week to add 2 more 811s. Really wanted a 942, big no to that too. Tried to stop shipping them today, was told to refuse delivery when they arrive. Requested my auto-pay be changed to direct mail , they cannot do that till after May 11.
After following this thread, really feel like a second rate customer.
I called yesterday and was on the phone for about 10 mins. They told me they can do it free of charge and will be out on Tuesday. So I really hope it's free as I was told by the CSR. I'm in Las Vegas and have one of the local that is on the 61.5 so maybe that's why it's free
I had my 3-room install done yesterday...Voom package activation took all of 3 min. as the CSR had to put me on hold while she clarified procedure ("This is a brand new thing that snuck up on us," she said. I said I understood). The installer, at the end of my system activation, had simply handed the phone over to me. The CSR was apologetic for the delay, confirmed with the installer that he'd set up the 61.5 dish and voila, Voom was on my new E* setup.

I had been in contact with E* CSRs leading up to my install and they said, 'just call when the installer is there'. I did. It worked. :)

P.S. To 'johnmart' and others in the same boat. Small consolation for the weekend hassles and no V* package, but maybe just give it a few days. The vibe I got from the CSRs I spoke with from Friday thru Sun were that it was a big last-minute surprise for everyone. A good surprise, but nonetheless. And on the 942 front as well, hopefully once these Voom migrations die down the pipes will open wide. Sorry I'm probably part of your 'problem', but hopefully more HD subs will benefit all E* subs in the long run, right?
I called Dish on Friday to schedule free installation of a second dish (148)to pick up the one local I don't get (DFW Area), aftyer hearing the news of Voom. Scheduled for this morning between 8-noon. Showed up at 11:30. No problem setting it to 61.5 instead. The installer (nice young man) said "I figure we'll be getting alot of these calls this week". He came in while I called to activate, and I must've entered the wrong phone choice, and I got someone speaking in Spanish! I explained my mistake, and she said (in English) "no problem I can help you". 5 minutes later I was Vooming!The installer even remarked how good the PQ was!
Maybe a good way to get the Voom channels is to go throught the Spanish CSR'S!!!

Tom in Tejas!!
CAlled Dish as an existing member and ex-voom sub. Told the CSR that I had a dish pointed at 61.5 and wanted her to add teh VOOM channels....pause....."how did you get a dish at 61.5? You can't even pick up that satellite" . This is where I explain to her that I have been getting a stronger signal with Voom at 61.5 than I got with Dish at 110. She then goes on to explain how Dish is split in to east-west and I am west ( L.A.) and Voom was a different company. I explain that they are still broadcasting off the same satellite and that I average a 97-100 signal strength. She then wants me to go to the receiver, but I didn't have the dish plugged in yet, so I told her that I would hook it up and check the signal strength and call her back. She saif if I can get a signal of at least 75, she will hook up the package for me. SO, Surprise!, I hooked it up and am getting a signal of 96. Time to call her back.....
Called today took less than 6 minutes (about 4 were on hold) to get the voom channels. They simply asked how many satellite dishes I had, I told them I had one for 61.5, they said it would be $5/month more, is that ok? I said yes, they turned them on and after about 30 seconds they were green in the guide.

It looks like they now have a VOOM script for CSRs in place. They ask how many dishes you have and try to see if you can see 61.5. Then they go over the price with you and turn it on... finally working like it should.
Spin That Wheel on today's edition of CSR Roulette!

I won't bore y'all with a long description of today's episode of Spin That Wheel (aka The Dish Network's CSR Roulette), but here's a synopsis of today's calling:

1st call: Called around 11:15 this morning. Was told I needed to add the HD PAK for $9.99/mo in order to get the Voom channels for $5 (I've got an 811, but only have used for OTA HD). But, they would offer me first 6 months of HD PAK for free. I told them I'd think about it. :no

2nd Call: Told that Voom channels were not going to be available for existing subs for another week or two. I told them thanks for the info :rolleyes:

3rd Call: Told that I would need HD PAK to get the Voom channels, but they would NOT give me 6 months free. I told them thanks, but no thanks. :mad:

4th Call: Told that I needed HD PAK in order to get VOOM channels for $5/mo. and that I would get the first 6 months of HD PAK FREE and no commitment necessary! I said sign me up! Additionally and unrelated, she told me that she noticed that I needed a new SmartCard for my DVR 508 rcvr. Fine. Whatever. :yes

I haven't gotten home from work yet, but I hope to come home to my HD channels!

Hi- I ordered the VOOM channels and since I have the 61.5 sat no problem says DISH. However the problem is I get an error message saying seeking signal. I tried soft reset/hard reset/ and check switch (all 3 satellites Ok plus and minus). Still no picture-told by tech to check signal on 61.5 transponders 1,3,5, and 7-absolutely no signal whatsoever-can't even punch in an ODD number-only recognizes EVEN transponders with signals 100-125. Have a tech visit Wednesday. Any ideas????
My story was a blood presure raiser lol i ordered my dish 500 for 61.5 on saturday and was set up for today 05/02/05 was told that it would be to add a dish and to put a new dp44 switch in & it is $100.00 so no big deal there so i payed my i already got a supper dish on 110/119/121 so i needed the 61.5.

Well today is here and the installer showed up a 9am with no switch and no dish just a lnb and said im form dish network here to replace your lnb i said that it was a dish 500 install and a new dp44 switch was suppose to be put in so he said well my work order just says add lnb so he said well ill be back after a few hours with everything if that ok well i said ya as long as it got done im off work today only.

So 1:30 pm he shows back up and says i got all of your parts and you have to pay me for them and i said no i don't i payed dish $100 already for the install so i called dish and got CSR and he did'nt know what i was talking about so after jumping down throw the phone i finaly got it set and the installer said im going to leave i dont work for dish so let them deal with it im just a sub that does this on the side so i said give me the # to your boss and let me talk to him and of course he got to work and put in the dish 500 and a new dp44 switch.

So after he was done i called dish back to get all of my voom channels turned on and that took 2 mins including the phone call and i was up and running and i told the CSR about what i just had happen and he said ya with all the calls for installs we just give them to anybody that wants to do installs.

So what i'm saying is be careful of who comes to do your install if ya need a new 2nd dish for voom.

good luck all and happy vooming again
No problem, just a personal brainfart. At 12:00:05 when the screen went black, I unplugged the Voom coax from the stb, rummaged around the garage for 20 minutes until I found my sw21, hooked my Dish & Voom coax to the sw21, connected it to my 6000, ran a checkswitch and I had the demo channel. Then I called Dish and ordered the Voom10. It took an hour for me to see them because I had my EPG set to "All Subbed" instead of "All Channels" so I did not see them until I read on this forum (thanks guys) that someone else was getting them. I am now happily Kinda Voomin again.
word of advice-DON'T be bullied by E* CSRs over the second dish-IF there is NON-VOOM programming that is available to you on your subscription(locals, CBSHD)that you can ONLY get thru the installation of the second dish, E* is required BY LAW to provide this second dish to you AT NO CHARGE!!!It is immaterial whether you even mention you plan to activate the VoOm programming, because it becomes apples and oranges at this point...Don't be bamboozled in paying ANYTHING extra if you don't have to...
Ok here is my story. I called 333-DISH, Sunday AM, on hold for 15 min, talked to csr for a while then was told to call WOW-HDTV because he couldnt sign me up for those 10 channels. So I called WOW and got through right away to a very heavy accent guy who told me that that number only signed up NEW SUBS so he transfered me back to 333-DISH. Again on hold for maybe 5 min this time and got a female csr who told me that it would be $100 for a 61.5 dish and that it would be mine to own. But then she told me that the 10 voom channels would be an additional $14.99/mo. I said ummm, no, what happend to the $5/mo for them? After a long pause she told me to hold and came back on and said "sir you are correct." DUH. LOL.

Anyway, after all that I have my new 61.5 dish install coming this thursday between 12-5pm and a CBS-HD waiver in the process seeing that I will now have that dish installed.

That female csr also told me that most, if not all, hd that will be added in the future will be on the 61.5 sat. And that more will be added slowly over the weeks to come. (which I will believe when I see).

Now I just wait to see the new HD on thursday! Hopefully all goes well!

Defective Dish 811 Receivers?


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