POLL: Do you prefer iOS or Android?

I really can't say, I never owned a iPhone so I can't give a opinion about it.

I can tell you I like my Android better than my blackberry.
I love android, the killer feature on my evo is the browser with flash. What I hate is having to root your phone in order to get it to function properly. (Run smooth, get better apps, get decent battery life)

Right now I'm tempted to buy the SGS2 on sprint, the battery life reports are a good sign for a stock phone. I'm holding out until the iphone is released, because I'm also considering to switch to ios, if not I'm sure when the iphone hype is in action the SGS2 may go on sale.

For now, I'm keeping my evo running CM7 :D
I have an Ipod Touch, and an Ipad. I also have had the HTC Hero, the Motorola Milestone (droid 1), Samsung Galaxy, Droid Pro, and Milestone x (droid X). Still have the last one (as well as another device)

A few months ago I would have told you Android, hands down. Loved the customization, liked that I could load different roms, tweak all the screens, the widgets, all of it. All to often over the time of having these phones though, I would run into problems with apps. Its available for this one, but not that one. It is available with this provider, but not with this one unless you root and take a chance with loading it yourself.

I started to get tired of retweaking every time I changed roms. It simply wasnt for me anymore.

IOS would have been at the top of my list, but my provider did not offer it, so I looked at WP7 as an alternative.
Ive already posted my review of that in this section, safe to say that I am extremely pleased with it.

So as to what I prefer? Right now, for a phone OS, I say WP7. For a tablet, because I have no experience with a windows tablet (although the new ones look promising) it is iOS hands down. The Ipad is amazing.

For the tinkerer in me, android still is fun from time to time. Once they get all of the hardware and software more in line across the board (and what providers will let you do what with it) I may give it another try.
Thanks a lot for the long response! You made some good points. I like WP7 but they are really lacking on verizon, i've only seen one WP7 phone on Verizon.
Have all-day exposure to the iPhone; best bud and GF have them; I have Android; I like Android best and most people that try my phone at work like it better as well; plenty are switching this includes the 2 previous peeps mentioned.
I intend to switch to iOS when the iPhone 5 comes out. I used to really love Android, but haven't been enamored with it in a good six or eight months. Too many glitches, and it just does not work as smooth (or buttery as Todd would say :D ) as I'd like it too. I think my experience with the iPad has convinced me of the benefits of iOS.
Interesting -- and not really surprised -- that for those that have used both, prefer iOS.

I do have to say, if you only have experience with one or the other, how can you really answer which you "prefer" (based on using it, of course, not on some anti-(fill-in-the-blank-here) stance) ?
I intend to switch to iOS when the iPhone 5 comes out. I used to really love Android, but haven't been enamored with it in a good six or eight months. Too many glitches, and it just does not work as smooth (or buttery as Todd would say :D ) as I'd like it too. I think my experience with the iPad has convinced me of the benefits of iOS.

I 100% agree with what Rocky has said. The only thing that will prevent me from switching back to the iPhone will be if they don't increase the screen size. I really like the 4.3" screen of my Inspire.

BTW, I have use the Iphone 3, 3GS and 4 as well as the (Android) HTC Hero, EVO and Atrix and Inspire. Boy I have had a lot of phones the past couple of years. Just glad there is a good after market demand for them as I have never paid a penny for all of these upgrades. I have always been able to sell the old phone for more than I needed to pay for the new one.

I just wish they would announce what was going to happen as I am ready to replace my phone.
Have used both, overall prefer android. Still don't like how locked down ios is, although I do prefer the software pool available. For now it's android for the phone and ios for the tablet.

Sent from my Nexus One using SatelliteGuys super rad app.

nexus prime specs?

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