Pole size I will need

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Nov 7, 2003
As some of yall know my wife and I are moving from our house to a townhouse this weekend. What size pole will I need to get for the phase-III dish mast? The CSR's as ever so helpful they are, don't have a clue on this and recommended I have a tech come out to look at all I would need just so I can get an estimate and a reschedule. This is making me more and more want to do this myself.

So I need to know what pole size I will need. I also need to know what stores carry the flat coax I will need as I can't drill any holes into the building.

With the knowledge I've gained here I should have no problems getting this aligned. We aren't moving very far from our house so I may be able to keep some of the settings on the dish itself. Our new next door neighbor has the same dish so I can use his as a guide.

Also, is the flat coax RG-6? Do they make that in RG-6?

Any help will be apprieciated!!
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