An annual holiday tradition returns to SatelliteGuys.US as we are proud to bring you "Christmas Across The Lands" holiday music special! Once again this year Randy Sherwyn returns to host the planets most listened to Holiday Radio show!
As we do every year instead of playing commercials we play recorded holiday greetings submitted by our members most messages offer their holiday greetings to other SatelliteGuys Members.
To make things easier this year you can phone in your greetings on our Holiday Greeting Hotline! Its simple to do just pick up your phone and dial 860-967-0580! You will be greeting by me with instructions on recording and then BEEP your on!
If you mess up your recording, NO PROBLEM, hang up and call again! Want to send more then one greeting, again NO PROBLEM call again and leave another message! When you call don't forget to mention your SatelliteGuys username so that everyone knows who you are!
I currently have none of the old greetings available from past years so I need your help in filling us up with greetings for this years broadcast! So please pick up the phone today and send your holiday greetings!
The number again is 860-967-0580!
Christmas Across the Lands is the perfect thing to listen to when you wrapping your gifts, opening up your gifts or you just need some holiday joy! We invite you to share SatelliteGuys Radio's presentation with your friends and loved ones!
We will be launching SatelliteGuys Radio's Presentation of Christmas Across The Lands in a few days! I have been able to listen to all 12 hours of this year's show and Randy Sherwyn has outdone himself again! This years Christmas Across the lands not only features the most popular holiday music of all time, but interviews with many of the folks who made the music plus all new trivia and a new hourly fun fact feature as well!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our members!
As we do every year instead of playing commercials we play recorded holiday greetings submitted by our members most messages offer their holiday greetings to other SatelliteGuys Members.
To make things easier this year you can phone in your greetings on our Holiday Greeting Hotline! Its simple to do just pick up your phone and dial 860-967-0580! You will be greeting by me with instructions on recording and then BEEP your on!
If you mess up your recording, NO PROBLEM, hang up and call again! Want to send more then one greeting, again NO PROBLEM call again and leave another message! When you call don't forget to mention your SatelliteGuys username so that everyone knows who you are!

I currently have none of the old greetings available from past years so I need your help in filling us up with greetings for this years broadcast! So please pick up the phone today and send your holiday greetings!
The number again is 860-967-0580!
Christmas Across the Lands is the perfect thing to listen to when you wrapping your gifts, opening up your gifts or you just need some holiday joy! We invite you to share SatelliteGuys Radio's presentation with your friends and loved ones!
We will be launching SatelliteGuys Radio's Presentation of Christmas Across The Lands in a few days! I have been able to listen to all 12 hours of this year's show and Randy Sherwyn has outdone himself again! This years Christmas Across the lands not only features the most popular holiday music of all time, but interviews with many of the folks who made the music plus all new trivia and a new hourly fun fact feature as well!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our members!