Could I use a a Dishnetwork satellite to aim the dish, considering it puts out a much stronger signal? It's not close to being my true south, but I think it'd be easier to get in.
...true south is actually 194.45 degrees on the compass...
No because Dish Network is circular polarity and the LNB you have is a linear LNB.
You will get it! Mine took awhile before I was up 100% and now I have no problem tracking the arc. And I also have no problems tinkering with it now and getting it back onto the arc with no issues.
Think of putting up a FTA dish like learning chineese... you wont know it all in one day... but you can learn!![]()
Forget about the compass. The compass is not important, and as a matter of fact, I haven't used one in my 27 year hobby with satellite TV. I use land marks and the Sun to do the rough orientation and then use some sort of signal meter to do the final tweaking. Streets and homes, in urban areas, are usually oriented true North (not magnetic) when surveyors determine property lines.
A good level is more important than a compass. I believe you post is out of plumb. Verify it with several levels if you're not sure one is accurate. But your worst error is not letting the dish go all the way to SBS6 using USALS. Rotate the motor back to zero and make sure your dish is looking straight off it.
Bent shaft motors are very easy to tweak. All one has to do is set the angles, rotate the motor to your southern most satellite using the USALS feature, rotate motor/dish assembly on post for highest signal, and you should be pretty close to North and South.
Use your signal meter (handheld or on receiver) to rotate dish/motor assembly on pole for highest reading on true south satellite. Signal changes when you lift up and down on the dish indicates your elevation angles aren't correct. Tweak them until signal is high.
...I live in an area where houses and streets run wherever the horse carved the path 150 years ago...
GMFreak8, I am looking at the pictures and am trying to figure out exacty where the switch is wired in. The receiver connects directly to the motor first, and then the output of the motor goes to the switch right?
Have you tried taking a TV and receiver out to the dish and hooking it up directly with no switches or grounding blocks involved to see if the quality improves? I don't have an Invacom, but I'm assuming that it is possible to go direct to the receiver.
I do most of my dish pointing with a 13" tv right beside me.
...lot of play in the $#@%$ motor...
You may have found some of your problem. Variations in signal at the signal at the worst.
....Is there anything I can do about motor play?...
But when the wind blows.....all bets are off! You can't trick it then.
That does not confirm play/slack in the Motor. It could be you just don't have a strong signal.