Ok, I'm having a hard time finding PBS on 125 now..
I need to have PBS World for 4pm CST tomorrow, there is a show I really, really, really want to record.
But I can't find anything now and I can't figure out from the 8+ pages of tech talk what's going on.
I can pull in LPB on 87w but it doesn't appear that they carry World.
The only access I ever had to World was on 125. I've had tree problems for a few months since spring sprung so I've hauled a dish around on an NPRM to a better spot where I should be able to get it but my little meter doesn't do S2.
So what channels are ITC and are just regular DVBS mpeg2 and not S2 that I can find with my meter? I need some point of reference to aim for and tweak on then I can go into the house and manually enter the stuff into the PC tuner which can get S2. Yeah, I need to pony up for a new S2 capable meter it seems but I just can't anytime soon.
Anyway, I see you guys saying stuff is hopping all around to different frequencies but at least it's all staying on the same satellite. I need to know a, solid non S2 channel to aim at, from there I'll just deal with it.
And I guess the other question is, does PBS World show up on any other satellite? KU or C, I don't care, as long as it's solid and stays put for a day or two.
Oh and one last news tidbit, I scored another Prodelin 1.8 dish.

Someone donated one to the temple and they don't want it so it was about to go in the dumpster. I asked about it just in time and it's been set aside with my name on it and I can pick it up at my leisure.
So soon I'll have two 1.8m dishes aimed at Dish, one for 129w (their HD sat) and the other I dunno, it will be either 110 or 119, I have to figure out which of the two I use the most. The remaining sat will have a 1.2m aimed at it.
Rain fade? What's that?