I noticed that WEAO in the Cleveland market has been turned on, but no uplink report seems the be out there for it (although it is in TheList).
Ditto with WQED in Pittsburgh. I didn't see an uplink for that either, but it's on...
I noticed that WEAO in the Cleveland market has been turned on, but no uplink report seems the be out there for it (although it is in TheList).
It sure would have been nice to have WNET in HD when they were running "Sherlock" on Masterpiece Theater. Big event of the year, and they miss HD by a couple of weeks.
Greenwood Lake, NY
This is Thanksgiving week. There will be no mass uplink this week.
And if you are in the NYC area, if you are on EA, the SD versions of the channels have been removed. If you use favorites lists, they will show that they are just not there. You will need to add them back. 13 WNET and 58 WNJB.
Yeah, 'cause DC is more important that the rest of the country...No offense to the rest of the country but you would think Dish network would give the friggin national capital public broadcasting in HD.
Go ahead and be offended, but DC is the 9th largest DMA out of 210.Yeah, 'cause DC is more important that the rest of the country...
Yeah, 'cause DC is more important that the rest of the country...Sorry, offense taken
No "issues" at all. Everyone always thinks *their* market is more important than other markets though...
SF Bay Area?
Can't disagree with you but I still would like to know how Dish decides which market in which order to turn on????